Requirements for crew change and shore leave
This circular supersedes Port Marine Circulars no. 08 and 14 of 2022.
As Singapore moves to streamline pandemic measures to living with Covid-19 as an endemic disease, MPA has aligned our crew change and shore leave requirements with the national border measures, whilst continuing to safeguard the wellbeing of seafarers entering Singapore as well as Singapore's populace.
Since 1 Apr 2022, fully vaccinated sign on and off crew can enter Singapore under the Vaccinated Travel Framework as Short-Term Visitor (including shore leave). Applications are to be made directly to the ICA CREW system via digitalPORT@SG™. More information can be found at ICA's website (
All non-fully vaccinated crew arriving in Singapore from
28 August 2022, 2359 hours will no longer be required to undergo a 7-day Stay Home Notice (SHN) prior to departing for Singapore. They will continue to be required to take a pre-departure test within 2 days before departure for Singapore, as well as carry a valid travel insurance for non-fully vaccinated Short-Term Visitors (STVs).
• Valid travel insurance.
Sign off (including shore leave)
(b) Non-Vaccinated
• ART tele-supervised by licensed Singapore providers within 2 days before entering Singapore.
• Valid travel insurance.
Crew vaccination application
All individuals aged 18 years and above (including short-term visitors) may receive vaccination and boosters under the Private Vaccination Programme (PVP). As this is a private arrangement, the vaccinations will be at the individual's own cost. To book an appointment or for any enquiries, please contact the clinics directly listed at
This circular is to be read in conjunction with the following Port Marine Circulars:
(a) No. 9 of 2015 – Measures To Optimise Anchorages Usage In The Singapore Port
(b) No 34. of 2020 – Guidelines For Safe Transfer of Persons Between Vessels at Anchorages
Any queries relating to this circular should be directed to
The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Xinde Marine News.
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