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Sailors'Society:donates for seafarers

"Covid-19 has meant we have had to adapt some of our programmes in order to meet the need it has presented. We strive not to abandon any seafarer." From Sailors’ Society.
"We are diverting the full resources of the charity to finding ways of supporting these men and women.
 We are producing mental health resources and hosting an online community for seafarers worried about coronavirus.
 We are sharing chaplains’ contact details so seafarers can call them directly whenever they need to talk.
 We are preparing to temporarily extend our helpline for shipping companies free-of-charge to all seafarers who need support.
 We are offering grants to help seafarers and their families whose incomes are decimated through loss of work."
To help deliver this essential work, Sailors’Society are asking individuals and organisations if they are able to give at this time of crisis. If you are able to give and/or share this with individuals you may feel could help, it would be greatly appreciated.

The link to the donation page is: https://sailors-society.org/give

Sailors’Society’s long-standing devotion to seafarers has made us specialists in caring for those at sea in times of crisis. Our ability to help, based on years of experience, has 45 knowledgeable and well-trained CRN (Crisis Response Network) responders based around the world, meeting the need during this time. In addition, the delivery of our award winning “Wellness at Sea” programme, which has already helped over 14,000 seafarers, continues to provide wellness tools to those on board and ashore.

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Xinde Marine News.

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