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ICS 'extremely concerned' about seizure of British tanker by Iran

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has expressed its concern over the "developing situation in the Gulf", following the seizure of the British-flagged tanker, Stena Impero, by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in the Strait of Hormuz on July 19.
Tehran claimed the vessel was "violating international maritime rules".
ICS secretary general Guy Platten said in a press release: "We are extremely concerned about this latest development in the Strait of Hormuz, particularly in respect of the safety of seafarers. We call on all authorities to work together to seek a swift and transparent resolution to the situation and to ensure that crews are kept safe.
"Freedom of navigation is vital for global trade and we encourage all nations to uphold this fundamental principle of maritime law. In the 21st century it is not acceptable for seafarers and ships to become pawns in any way, they must be allowed to operate in safety. We will be reviewing the situation and remain in contact with relevant authorities," added Mr Platten.
Iran's state-run IRNA news agency said the tanker was captured after it collided with a fishing boat and failed to respond to calls from the smaller craft, reported BBC.
However, UK's Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said the Stena Impero was seized in Omani waters in "clear contravention of international law" and then forced to sail into Iran.
The Stena Impero's Swedish owners, Stena Bulk, said it had been fully complying with regulations and had been in international waters at the time. The ICS also says the tanker was sailing in international waters when it was seized and "diverted from its original course in the Strait of Hormuz".

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Xinde Marine News.

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