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Development of Tuas Next-Generation Port Phase 2 begins

Dr Lam Pin Min, Senior Minister of State for Transport and Health, witnessed the commencement of reclamation for Tuas Terminal Phase 2 with the installation of the first caisson in a ceremony today. When fully operational, Tuas Terminal Phase 2 will add a capacity of 21 million twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEUs).
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) will develop Tuas Next-Generation Port in four phases. MPA awarded the Tuas Terminal Phase 2 reclamation project to Penta-Ocean Construction Co. Ltd/Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd/Boskalis International BV (PHB) Joint Venture in 2018. This is the largest of the four phases to be reclaimed at 387 hectares. The 8.6 km wharf structure will be constructed with 227 caissons that will be fabricated on site.   
All container operations in Singapore will be consolidated at Tuas Terminal by the 2040s. When fully completed, Tuas Terminal will be able to handle up to 65 million TEUs annually. 
Using Innovative, Modern Construction Methods 
The Tuas Terminal Phase 2 project team will use innovative construction methods to boost safety and improve productivity. For example, the project team will use a slip form jack monitoring system and rebar modularisation for the fabrication of the caissons. The slip form jack monitoring system provides unobstructed view of the hydraulic system. This feature enhances the safety of workers through prompt rectifications of the hydraulic system. The process of rebar modularisation allows for the pre-fabrication of steel bars, which form part of the base slab. This significantly improves the safety of those working under the steel bars.
The project team will also adopt modern construction technology such as an automated curing system. An automated curing system refers to a water circulation system that helps to control the quality of the base slab. 
The project team will explore using artificial intelligence to monitor the construction site. For example, using facial recognition tools to detect security breaches at entry and exit points, and video analytics to detect unsafe acts and prevent potential injury at the caisson fabrication yard. 
Digitalising Port Processes 
The Tuas Terminal will also be highly digitalised to optimise processes and enhance information-flow and sharing. As a one-stop portal, MPA’s Maritime Single Window (MSW) will transform reporting and port clearance processes for ships calling at Singapore through data exchange amongst relevant stakeholders. Phase 1 of the MSW will be launched later this year, and will streamline processes of agencies such as MPA, National Environment Agency, and the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority. 
Tuas Port will also be the first terminal in Singapore to be physically and digitally integrated with the wider supply chain network. CALISTATM, PSA’s supply chain platform developed by GeTS Asia Pte Ltd, is an example of a digital solution that will be integrated with the Tuas ecosystem.  Such digital connectivity with key industry sectors in Tuas helps to improve efficiencies among stakeholders along the supply chain – vessels, cargo owners and logistics service providers – and better coordinate cargo flow in a secure and intelligent manner.
Said Dr Lam, “The installation of the first caisson for Phase 2 marks an important milestone in the development of the next-generation port at Tuas. Tuas Terminal will be digitalised and smart, and integrated with the wider supply chain network. This will be key to maintaining our position as a leading global hub port.”
MPA’s Next-Generation Patrol Craft
At the event, Dr Lam also announced that MPA will replace its current fleet of patrol vessels with seven next-generation patrol craft. The fleet – to be equipped with enhanced navigation, surveillance and response capabilities for search and rescue, man-overboard, oil spills and ferry incidents – will be introduced in phases over the next three years to improve seaward operations. The first six patrol craft are scheduled to be commissioned in February 2020, while a larger enhanced patrol craft will be launched by first quarter of 2021. In addition, MPA will also add two new launches to its fleet, which are designed to enhance the safety of MPA surveyors when conducting ship inspections.  

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Xinde Marine News.

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