Fleet growth in most sectors slowed down during the first quarter of the year. Dry bulk, crude oil, products and LPG sectors saw their fleets expanding slower than they did in 1Q17 while growth in the containership and LNG sectors accelerated sharply.
Crude oil tanker fleet practically shrank during the first three months. A total of 28 vessels were delivered and 20 were demolished. Although this implies a net positive growth of 8 ships and 1.7m-dwt, another 22 were recently reported sold for scrap and ceased trading. The actively trading crude oil tanker fleet shrank by 0.4% as a result. That compares to a growth of 2.1% during 1Q17.
By contrast, LNG fleet growth picked up substantially; with no ships demolished and 18 delivered the LNG fleet expanded by 4.1%. The containership sector also saw a sharp increase in capacity growth with its fleet growing by 1.5%, up from 0.1% during 1Q17.
Although the LPG fleet expansion slowed down from 3.4% in 1Q17, it still grew by a respectable 1.5% during the same period.
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