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Vessels detained due to black out simulation test fault

It has been reported that port state control in Australia and Indonesia often point out that the onboard emergency generator fails to automatically connect to the emergency switchboard (hereinafter, ESB) when a blackout simulation test is carried out at the request of a PSC officer.

SOLAS II-1/Reg.43.7 requires that provisions for the testing of the emergency source of electrical power, including its automatic starting arrangement, are to be made.
Whenever a failure of the emergency source of electrical power to connect to the ESB is detected, it should be pointed out as a deficiency. Further, there is a possibility that the deficiency might be judged as a lack of proper SMS implementation.
Detail information is attached ClassNK PSC Bulletin NK-PSC-14.
ClassNK PSC Bulletin_E No. NK-PSC-14-Rev

Sources: ClassNK

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