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Chinese Navy Rescued 2 Crew from Ship in Distress

Chinese Navy Rescued 2 Crew from Ship in Distress

At about 0000 on January 29, the Jinan Vessel (Side Number 152) of the Chinese Navy, who was carrying out the task at sea, successfully rescued 2 crew of Mongolian cargo ship off the coast of Wenzhou.
At 2300 on the 28th, noticed a Mongolian cargo ship called Jianhong No.1 was about to sink in the open sea of Wenzhou. Local maritime institutions and maritime police collaborated with other forces carried out the rescue operations.
One of the rescued crew members is Indonesian and the other is a Chinese Taiwanese. Currently, they have conscious and were not considered life threatening. After understanding, a total of 11 crew members are in the Jianhong No.1, the shipping company is Ruibang (Taiwan), shipping sugar from Taichung to South Korea.

Sources: Xinde Marine News
Editor: Carrie Zhu

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