- 1.On December 27,Zhejiang Seaport Asset Management Companys subsidiary Zhejiang Seaport Finance Leasing completed a 49 million yuan ship ownership settlement and fund payment, marking the first ship financing lease business of Zhejiang Seapxinde marine news2019-12-31 16:43:13
- Guangzhou Port has seen an overall container throughput of 21.18 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) in the first 11 months of this year, ranking among the top five ports in the world in both cargo throughput and container throughputxinde marine news2019-12-31 16:42:54
- On December 27, Zhejiang Seaport Asset Management Companys subsidiary Zhejiang Seaport Finance Leasing completed a 49 million yuan ship ownership settlement and fund payment, marking the first ship financing lease business of Zhejiang Seapoxinde marine news Sarah Yu2019-12-31 16:41:45
- China State Shipbuilding Corp delivered the Hailong, or Sea Dragon, the most advanced diving support vessel China has ever built, to Jumeirah Offshore, a Singapore-based marine engineering company, in Guangzhou on Monday. CSSC, a State-ownexinde marine news2019-12-31 16:39:45
- Chinas Ministry of Commerce is expected to award the independent refining sector with oil products export quotas next year as Beijing steps up efforts to support private companies to play a bigger role in the economy, industry sources and mxinde marine news2019-12-31 16:38:41
- As a tougher regulation on sulfur emissions from ships, known as IMO 2020, comes into effect from Wednesday, Chinese shipping operators are beefing up efforts to adapt to new rules regarding bunker fuel, mainly by using required fuels and bxinde marine news2019-12-31 16:37:50
- Transpacific carriers through mid-December have announced post-Chinese New Year blank sailings that far exceed the average number known at this point in the last seven years, reports IHS Media. Carriers cancel scheduled sailings when cargoxinde marine news2019-12-31 16:36:52
- Just two days before the IMO 2020 sulphur cap comes into effect on 1 January 2020, the Hong Kong Shippers Council has recommended its members reject additional fuel surcharges recently introduced by major container lines that appear to be axinde marine news2019-12-31 16:35:32
- Choosing the years top stories is always a difficult task. Many compelling story threads played out, each dramatically impacting the North American waterfront, and in particular, the workboat sector each in their own unique way. The Infrastxinde marine news2019-12-31 16:34:35
- COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation approved to implement dual-fuel powered technology for one of the companys VLCCs under construction contracted by Dalian Shipbuilding Industry. The company shall increase the investment of usd 6 millionxinde marine news Sarah Yu2019-12-30 16:55:54
- Imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) into China have rebounded in the month of November following the first blip in three years reported in October. Data from the Chinese General Administration of Customs shows that a total of 6.51 millioxinde marine news2019-12-30 16:18:22
- The contracts signed between SBM Offshore, a Netherlands-based company engaged in the offshore energy industry, and its Chinese partners on two more floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) hulls will further enhance their ties andxinde marine news2019-12-30 16:16:20
- 1.COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation approved to implement dual-fuel powered technology for one of the companys VLCCs under construction contracted by Dalian Shipbuilding Industry. 2.Chinas Ministry of Transport has announced that it hasxinde marine news2019-12-30 15:25:23
- The port of Qinzhou, a major link between southern China and Southeast Asia, saw its cargo throughput rise 17.9 percent year-on-year in the first 11 months of the year thanks to increased traffic on a new land-sea trade route. The port handxinde marine news2019-12-30 14:20:19
- Chinese imports of Saudi Arabian oil have soared in the first 11 months of this year, pushed up by several massive joint refinery projects. The latest figures have solidified the Middle Eastern countrys position as Chinas top oil supplier,xinde marine news2019-12-30 14:19:09