- 1.Chinese shipbuilder Cosco Shipping Heavy Industry has signed LNG cooperation agreements with compatriot Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding and Frances GTT. 2.Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporations ten 2,800 TEU class container vessels are goinxinde marine news2020-05-20 16:22:24
- ChartWorld are cooperating with JRC on the addition of ChartWorlds ground-breaking Information Overlay service, known as CIO+ onto JRC ECDIS. CIO+ is a data overlay shown in ECDIS as a user chart, loaded on top of Electronic Navigational Chxinde marine news2020-05-20 13:18:44
- Florida-based Maritime Payment Solutions which operates ShipMoney as a provider of payment solutions for maritime companies, has announced the introduction of ShipMoney Virtual Cards and the Transfer Marketplace, two new services designed txinde marine news2020-05-20 11:29:35
- Chinese shipbuilder Cosco Shipping Heavy Industry has signed LNG cooperation agreements with compatriot Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding and Frances GTT. Under the deal with Hudong-Zhonghua signed on Tuesday, the two shipbuilders aim to join foCosco Shipping Heavy Industry2020-05-20 10:47:58
- Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporations (Yang Ming) ten 2,800 TEU class container vessels, currently being constructed by CSBC CORPORATION, TAIWAN (CSBC), are going to receive Smart Ship notations from international classification societiesYang Ming2020-05-20 10:36:05
- The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)s daily basket price increased to 28.21 U.S. dollars a barrel on Monday, compared with 26.54 dollars on Friday, according to OPEC Secretariat calculations released on Tuesday. Alsoxinhua2020-05-20 10:31:11
- Chinese iron ore futures rose for a fifth straight session on Tuesday, supported by a bullish outlook for domestic demand stemming from hopes of more stimulus, while global supply-related issues also aided sentiment. Iron ore on the DalianReuters2020-05-20 10:29:56
- Saudi Aramco in April shipped crude cargoes three times from its leased storage in Okinawa, Japan, to Chinas Zhoushan using the same VLCC, signaling Chinas outperfomance in demand recovery from COVID-19 over regional peers and its capacityPlatts2020-05-20 09:52:00
- On the afternoon of May 14, COSCO SHIPPING concluded a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Shanghai Futures Exchange in Shanghai. The two sides pledged to carry out practical cooperation in various fields based on the principlesCOSCO SHIPPING2020-05-20 09:44:00
- On 18 May 2020,global coatings manufacturer Hempel began construction of a new factory in Yantai Chemical Industrial Park, China. The new factory will help meet increasing demand for more sustainable and innovative coating solutions in thexinde marine news2020-05-20 09:05:15
- Despite recent low bunker prices a significant proportion of marine fuel buyers still do not have any risk management strategies in place to mitigate anticipated price rises. Two thirds of LQM Petroleum Services clients polled in a webinarxinde marine news2020-05-20 09:03:22
- 1.Documents from MPA of Singapore show the key Southeast Asian shipping hub is easing its crew change stance. 2.Royal Dutch Shell Plc said it would further cooperate with CNOOC to better serve the growing number of intermediate and performaxinde marine news2020-05-19 16:42:54
- On May 18, Dalian Shipbuilding Industry, China Shipbuilding Trading and China Merchants Energy Shipping signed a construction contract for two 307,000 DWT VLCCs in Beijing, Hong Kong and Dalian in the form of cloud contract. At present, thexinde marine news Sarah Yu2020-05-19 16:28:21
- On May 16, a total of 93 crew members from six sailing vessels of different nationalities completed their shifts at Rizhao Port, among whom 47 entered the country. Due to the global outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic, the crew changes of internaxinde marine news Sarah Yu2020-05-19 16:20:50
- Royal Dutch Shell Plc said it would further cooperate with China National Offshore Oil Corp to better serve the growing number of intermediate and performance chemicals customers in the key market of China. CNOOC Oil Petrochemicals Co. LtdChinadaily2020-05-19 10:19:46