- The board of directors (the Board) of COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation Co., Ltd. resolved to approve the proposed merger by absorption (the Proposed Merger by Absorption) by the Company of COSCO SHIPPING Tanker (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.* (ShCOSCO SHIPPING Energy Transpor2020-06-04 15:05:57
- Chinas oil demand has recovered to more than 90% of the levels seen before the coronavirus pandemic struck early this year, a surprisingly robust rebound that could be mirrored elsewhere in the third quarter as more countries emerge from loReuters2020-06-04 10:51:29
- The lack of ullage at the tank farms of Chinas key Qingdao port has forced VLCCs arriving at the port to wait for up to three weeks before being able to discharge their cargoes, freight market sources said. There are currently 20 VLCCs queuPlatts2020-06-04 10:47:56
- China will build its first liquefied natural gas bunkering center for international vessels in the city of Shenzhen as part of a deal signed on Wednesday. The project is a joint effort that includes Yantian Port Group, state-owned energy giLNG World News2020-06-04 10:42:45
- Brazils Vale SA expects iron ore shipments to China to rise in 2020 versus 2019 due to falling demand in other countries hurt by the coronavirus pandemic, the China Iron and Steel Association said after a telephone call with the miner. Valesxcoal2020-06-04 10:41:47
- Classification Society DNV GL, has launched a new certification in infection prevention for the maritime industry. The custom certification aims to help the maritime industry resume operations better prepared for COVID-19 or other emerginghongkongmaritimehub2020-06-04 10:38:50
- A liner ship belonging to China United Lines Ltd (CULines) arrived at the third phase of the container wharf at Nansha Port on May 30, marking the official start of operations of the regular shipping line between the South China area and TaChinadaily2020-06-04 10:32:57
- China Tianjin Container Freight Index (TCI), an indicator of northern Chinas international container freight rates, remained at 546.55 points on Wednesday. The statistical samples of TCI cover 19 international shipping routes departing fromChinadaily2020-06-04 10:29:09
- Despite coronavirus: Wind industry is stable and ready for politics to take action Press conference participants look forward to WindEnergy Hamburg with optimism WindEnergy Hamburg, the global onshore offshore event, has been rescheduled foxinde marine news2020-06-04 09:50:32
- New Times Shipbuilding has secured a new order for four 158,000 dwt suezmax tankers from two European shipowners. Allied Shipbroking and VesselsValue both confirmed that two of the four vessels were ordered by Viken Shipping, the Norwegianxinde marine news Sarah Yu2020-06-03 16:56:38
- At 17:52 on June 1, 2020, applause was heard from Shanghai Guandong International Container Terminal. It took the company 8 hours and 52 minutes to complete the assault operation of 7832 containers for the 3E class ship Estelle Maersk, withxinde marine news Sarah Yu2020-06-03 16:56:01
- In recent years, international oil markets have witnessed collapsing oil prices as a result of an excess in supply and a corresponding decrease in demand as consumer behaviour switches slowly away from a dependency on oil. Oil refineries anReedSmith2020-06-03 16:45:23
- 1.Oil prices gained on Tuesday as market participants bet on extending output cuts by major oil producers. 2.Chinese private yard New Times Shipbuilding has secured new orders for four 158,000 dwt suezmax tankers from two European owners. 3xinde marine news2020-06-03 16:37:59
- Cargotec has completed the sale of its share of the joint venture Rainbow-Cargotec Industries Co., Ltd (RCI) in China. As part of the agreement, Cargotec acquired certain operations and assets of the joint venture from Jiangsu Rainbow HeavyCargotec2020-06-03 09:38:33
- Chinas Dalian Commodity Exchange on Tuesday asked members to act rationally in iron ore futures trade after prices for the steelmaking ingredient held above $100 per tonne. The iron ore market has been facing many uncertainties recently, thMarine Link2020-06-03 09:34:48