- Indian Register of Shipping is forging ahead with a drive to enhance inland vessel safety throughout India to aid the countrys economic growth. It played an integral role in the drafting of the Inland Vessels Act 2021 which was passed by thXinde Marine News2022-01-25 09:16:35
- Håkan Agnevall, CEO,Wrtsil[Photo:PR/Nor-Shipping] Hkan Agnevall, CEO atWrtsil, wants to position the marine and energy giant as the natural partner for an industry, and society, looking to translate climate ambition to reality. His visionXinde Marine News2022-01-25 09:13:21
- Damen has signed its first contact with the leading Ballast Water Treatment Systems (BWTS) manufacturer, ERMA FIRST. The Greek manufacturer ERMA FIRST will be supplying its oneTANK, which is the worlds smallest Ballast Water Treatment SysteXinde Marine News2022-01-25 08:45:00
- Strategic Marine (S) Pte Ltd has successfully secured a contract to build and deliver a 40m Fast Crew Boat for new client Blue Petra Sdn Bhd, a fully owned subsidiary of Great Ocean Supply Services Sdn Bhd, based in Malaysia. Great Ocean isXinde Marine News2022-01-24 11:46:28
- At the beginning of 2022, Dalian Shipbuilding Industry, a subsidiary of CSSC, signed a construction contract for six dual-fuel 16,000TEU container ships with a well-known European shipowner, and signed a construction contract for four 37,00Xinde Marine News Sarah Yu2022-01-24 11:24:00
- Inventory of five major steel products in Chinas 21 cities climbed 10.2% from ten days ago to 8.74 million tonnes on January 20, according to data from China Iron and Steel Association (CISA). The volume was 10.9% higher than the start of tSxcoal2022-01-24 11:21:47
- Chinas imports from Australia in December 2021 fell by 13.0 percent month-on-month, amid a downturn in bilateral relations. Trade between China and Australia stood at $231.2 billion in 2021, accounting for 3.82 percent of Chinas total foreiGlobal Times2022-01-24 11:00:44
- The number of piracy and armed robbery cases in the Singapore Strait hit a six-year high in 2021, even as such cases in Asia fell to their lowest since 2018. There were 49 incidents in the Singapore Strait recognised as one of the worlds buThe Straits Times2022-01-24 10:14:26
- Twenty years since it anchored in the Port of Boston, Chinas shipping giant COSCO has operated vessel services that preserved 9,000 maritime and shipping-related jobs and created thousands more across Massachusetts and the New England Six SChinadaily2022-01-24 09:30:55
- Chinas latest move to increase fuel oil export quotas for this year bodes well for its ambition to further develop itself as a bunkering hub and to stymie competition from other Asian ports, with more generous export quota allowances likelyS&P Global Platts2022-01-24 09:20:03
- Conventional or Dual Fuel? Decarbonisation talk appears to be everywhere nowadays - on a government level and in a plethora of industries. Last year saw several international agreements reached during COP26 as well as European Union proposaXinde Marine News2022-01-24 08:37:59
- After a volatile 2021, leading shipbroker Simpson Spence Young (SSY) looks at the next 12 months and highlights areas of particular interest in their 2022 Outlook Report. This comprehensive analysis looks at various drivers of shipping markXinde Marine News2022-01-24 08:34:32
- Hegh Autoliners announced that it has entered into a contract with China Merchants Heavy Industry (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. (CMHI) for four fixed and eight optional multi-fuel and zero carbon ready Aurora class vessels. Under the terms of the conHöegh Autoliners2022-01-21 17:05:56
- On January 18, Shanghai International Port Groupand MSCMediterranean Shipping Companysigned a joint venture agreement on the Yangshan yard project of Shanghai Port Northeast Asia Empty Container Shipping Center. The two parties will work toXinde Marine News Sarah Yu2022-01-21 16:40:20
- Yangtze River Three Gorges 1, the worlds largest electric cruise ship, has successfully returned to its home port in Yichang, central Chinas Hubei Province, after completing a trial voyage, according to information published on the State-owGlobal Times2022-01-21 11:08:35