- On 25 November 2021, China Classification Society (CCS), Wartsila Voyage Limited and Tianjin Port Group signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on technical cooperation both virtually and physically at CCS Headquarters to initiate jointCCS2021-11-29 17:20:55
- On November 15, COSCO SHIPPING Lines joined hands with Bank of Communications to launch the online transmission of the original order bill of lading in tripartite trade through the blockchain-enabled eBL solution. It marked another successCOSCO SHIPPING2021-11-26 14:07:55
- Recently, the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) announced the third batch of green design demonstration enterprises for industrial products, with Nantong COSCO KHI Ship Engineering Co., Ltd. (NACKS) being includCOSCO Shipping2021-11-24 15:38:10
- On November 16, the 2021 APEC Smart Port Development Forum was held online by APEC Port Services Network (APSN). COSCO SHIPPING Ports was invited to participate in the event and delivered a keynote speech on Smart Port Development Trends anCOSCO Shipping2021-11-24 15:36:29
- The grand opening of China Classification Society Kuala Lumpur office in Malaysia On November 16, 2021, was celebrated together with customers and employees. At China Classification Society, we opened our first Malaysian representative offiCCS2021-11-17 09:24:01
- On November 6, the 4th China International Import Expo (CIIE) continued in full swing at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai (NECC). On the afternoon of November 6, enterprises under COSCO SHIPPING signed a number of pCOSCO SHIPPING2021-11-15 11:32:35
- Roughly half of the emission reductions needed to reach the 2050 climate goals rely on technologies in early development, demonstration or prototype phases. Accelerating innovation in this decade is critical to bring these technologies to mMaersk2021-11-10 10:50:32
- On November 4, the Marine Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) awarded several awards to a number of the affiliates of COSCO SHIPPING in recognition of their outstanding performance in pursuing Hong Kongs high-qCOSCO Shipping International2021-11-09 10:29:24
- The Board of Directors of China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited announces that with effect from 3 November 2021, Mr. Wang Xiufeng has been redesignated from the Managing Director of the Company to the Vice Chairman of the Board andCMPort2021-11-04 11:16:25
- Maritime transportation constitutes an important part of international trade and is the least energy-intensive mode of cargo transportation. It accounts for about three-quarters of the total global freight transport activities, but its enerCOSCO SHIPPING2021-10-28 13:40:53
- From October 11 to 15, the 2021 Shanghai Pulp Week and the 14th China Pulp Industry Development Conference opened in Shanghai. On October 14, the Pulp Supply Chain Committee of China Paper and Pulp Industry Chamber of Commerce (CPICC) was eCOSCO SHIPPING2021-10-25 09:12:31
- On October 8, China COSCO SHIPPING Corporation Limited and Sinochem Holdings Corporation Limited signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Shanghai. Chairman of Sinochem Holdings Mr. Ning Gaoning, Director of the Board and President of SiCOSCO SHIPPING2021-10-12 11:05:14
- The continuous recurrence of the coronavirushas intensified the conflict between the low efficiency of the global logistics chain and the blowout of market demand. Especially in North America, with the advent of the recent peak season, threCOSCO SHIPPING2021-10-11 09:39:49
- COSCO SHIPPING has been pursuing energy-saving, low-carbon green development by integrating the concepts of innovation, coordination, green, openness and shared benefits and sustainable development into the operation and management of the cCOSCO SHIPPING2021-09-22 16:28:06
- To respond to the national strategy of peak emissions and carbon neutrality, improve the resource utilization ratio, improve the ecosystem and protect the environment, Shanghai Huanyu Container Factory, a subsidiary of COSCO SHIPPING DeveloCOSCO SHIPPING2021-09-06 10:50:46