At GASTECH 2024, KR (Korean Register) announced that it has awarded an Approval in Principle (AiP) to Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) for their “9,300 TEU Ammonia-Fueled Container Ship”.
As the global maritime industry intensifies efforts to meet stricter decarbonization targets, ammonia is gaining prominence as a potential zero-carbon fuel. In light of the current trends, recent LNG-fueled container ships have adopted designs that allow the use of ammonia fuel for its sustainable option.
Ammonia fuel presents advantages in terms of cost-effectiveness and efficiency compared to other alternative fuels. However, due to its high toxicity and corrosive properties, it requires a specially designed fuel propulsion system, as well as additional safety assessments that take the operational requirements into consideration.
The development of this 9,300 TEU ammonia-fueled container vessel marks a key step in advancing ammonia fueled propulsion technology.
SHI have developed an entirely new structural layout and the vessel’s design which includes specialized fuel tanks, fuel supply systems, ventilation, and gas detection systems, incorporating the unique properties of ammonia fuel.
KR verified this newly developed vessel’s design and ammonia fuel system, ensuring compliance with classification rules and international regulations, and granted AiP after confirming the integrity and safety of the entire system.
LEE Hyungchul, Chairman and CEO of KR, said:
"This joint development is a significant step toward the commercialization of large ammonia-fueled container ships. KR will continue to provide technical support for the innovations in decarbonization solutions."
JANG Haeki, Executive Vice President and CTO of SHI, said:
"Our 9,300 TEU ammonia-fueled container ship incorporates the leading eco-friendly technologies of SHI. We will continue to accelerate the development of carbon-neutral solutions to secure our competitive edge in the next-generation ship market."
(From the left in the photo:
LEE Hyungchul, Chairman and CEO of KR, and
JANG Haeki, Executive Vice President and CTO of SHI)
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