Orient Overseas (International) Limited is selected as a constituent stock of Hang Seng Index, in accordance with the latest quarterly Index Review Result announced by Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited , with effect from Monday, June 13, 2022.
Launched in 1969, the Hang Seng Index, or "HSI", is the most widely quoted gauge of the Hong Kong stock market. It includes the largest and most liquid stocks listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and is world renowned as being representative of Hong Kong stocks. With a total of 69 constituent listed companies as from June 13, 2022, the HSI includes approximately 60% of the market value of securities listed on the HKEX Main Board (excluding Foreign Companies, Investment Companies and Special Purpose Acquisition Companies).
OOIL is delighted by the Hang Seng Index's selection and believes that being included as a constituent stock of the HSI will further enhance the group's reputation and the appeal of its stock to investors. As part of the HSI, shares in OOIL may now appeal to funds that require HSI index inclusion for their investments. Furthermore, the recognition brought by HSI should build the attractiveness of the company's stock to more and more investors from all markets, including qualified mainland China investors via the southbound link of the Stock Connect Scheme.
Following OOIL's inclusion in the Hang Seng Composite Index (HSCI) earlier this year, and its imminent inclusion in the MSCI China All Shares Index (as of June 1, 2022), this is another sign of recognition by the market of the solid performance and enhanced status of the group.
Source: OOCL
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