
The Green C Ports European Project Wins International Award

The Green C Ports European Project with the participation of the Piraeus Port Authority S.A. (PPA) has recently been awarded the 2020 World Port Sustainability Award by the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH).
The Green C Ports, supported by the Connecting Europe Facility program of the European Union, is being implemented by twelve transnational partners from four European countries, including Greece, and aims to create a platform for measuring the port’s environmental performance. Through the use of sensors and artificial intelligence technology, this platform will process large volumes of data, allowing the monitoring of environmental pollution caused by port facilities and ships in the urban environment, as well as informing authorities and citizens about the environmental impact caused by port services.
The pilot studies in the Port of Piraeus are jointly implemented by the Research Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), the Piraeus Port Authority (PPA) and the Municipality of Piraeus. Important pilot actions include the installation of a network of environmental and meteorological sensors, as well as sensors for measuring noise levels. Data from all sensors will be transmitted to the Green C Ports digital platform. From there, the data will all be collected and analyzed.
In order to reduce the environmental impact of the ports, the project partners will study a number of innovative solutions to reduce port congestion, lower noise levels, improve air quality, predict crane productivity and measure in real-time the emissions in the ports of Piraeus, Valencia, Venice, Bremen, and Wilhelmshaven, in support of environmental protection.
“We are really happy for this important award of Green C Ports...Through the use of digital tools and advanced artificial intelligence technologies, we intend to achieve a transition to an era where the achievement of environmental goals and the development of the port will go hand in hand, for the benefit of institutions, end users and society”, said Dr. Angelos Amditis, responsible for the pilot tests in the Port of Piraeus and Research Director at the ICCS of NTUA.

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