
CCS to vigorously promote overseas supplier approval services

With the development of the supplier approval service of China Classification Society (CCS) and the increasing demand of shipping companies and maritime works owners for overseas suppliers, CCS will vigorously promote overseas supplier approval services. Based on extensive survey in the early stage, in order to provide better and more complete supplier services to shipping companies and maritime works owners, CCS specially formulated a supplier approval promotion plan based on the special circumstances overseas and made business adjustments to the supplier approval service at the beginning of 2019.
According to the distribution of CCS overseas offices and important ports for shipping and fishery, the service coverage will be gradually promoted from a spot to a whole area. The procedures will be simplified and audit elements will be refined to improve the audit efficiency. By the end of March 2020, CCS has approved 720 domestic suppliers and 199 international suppliers. The number of overseas suppliers (with certificates) has increased by 35.6%, with a significant increase in the service coverage. The number of existing suppliers, business types, coverage of inspection ports, quality performance and other indicators all meet the client needs.
In 2020, CCS revised the Guidelines for Supplier Approval and Personnel Qualification Management (2019) to meet the requirements of relevant documents of the Maritime Safety Administration of the People's Republic of China and the newly issued UR W35 of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS), and it will be officially released in May this year.
Clients can directly log into https://www.ccs.org.cn/ccswzen/, click on "Approved Suppliers" at the bottom of the homepage, and search for the approved suppliers by business type, certificate No., name of supplier, country/region and address.
Clients can use either of the following two methods to apply for becoming a supplier approved by CCS:
1. Log into https://www.ccs.org.cn/ccswzen/, click on "Approved Suppliers" at the bottom of the homepage.  
2. Click "Register" at the top right of the homepage to log into the CCS Client Service System.
Link: https://csm.ccs.org.cn/signup?languageType=en/
You can apply for registration after logging into the system. After the relevant information is submitted, the system will automatically send it to the service point of the jurisdiction for evaluation and review.

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