
COSCO SHIPPING visited Chinese oil giants in Beijing

From October 21 to 26, 2019, a delegation led by Chairman Capt. Xu Lirong and Executive Vice President Mr. Huang Xiaowen of COSCO SHIPPING visited important clients of the corporation in Beijing.
On the afternoon of October 21, the delegation paid a visit to the headquarters of Sinochem Group and held talks with its Chairman Mr. Frank Ning and Director of the Board and General Manager Mr. Yang Hua.
On the morning of October 24, the delegation visited the headquarters of Sinopec Corp. and held talks with its Chairman of the Board Mr. Dai Houliang and Senior Vice President Mr. Ling Yiqun.
On October 25, the delegation visited the headquarters of CNPC and held talks with its Chairman Mr. Wang Yilin.
On October 26, Capt. Xu and his delegation members visited the headquarters of CNOOC and held talks with its Chairman Mr. Wang Dongjin.
During their talks, Capt. Xu respectively reviewed the cooperation with all parties and reached important consensus with them on stepping up cooperation.
Mr. Ye Hongjun, Chief Legal Officer of COSCO SHIPPING and executives from the Executive Division (Beijing), Operating Management Division and COSCO SHIPPING Energy also joined the visit.
Source:COSCO Shipping

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