
CMG wins 3 awards at 2019 Financial Operations Conference

On March 1, the 2019 Financial and Capital Operations Conference of China Merchants Group (CMG) was held at the China Merchants Bank University in Shenzhen. The spirit of the 2019 annual meeting of CMG was conveyed in the conference during which Mr Zhou Song, the Chief Accountant of CMG, reported the financial work of the year. For the first time, the organizer appraised the Group’s outstanding financial work. Mr Zhou Song presented three awards to the winning units, namely “Outstanding Financial Work of 2018”, “Outstanding Property Rights Work of 2018” and “Outstanding Bidding and Procurement Management of 2018”.
The Group acknowledged the China Merchants Shipping for their quality work on finance management, property right, tender and procurement of 2018 and presented three awards to China Merchants Shipping. Mr Lyu Shengzhou, Financial Director of China Merchants Shipping, received the award on behalf of the Company, and, together with other winning units’ representatives, shared on stage the experience on conducting quality finance management.

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