
Maersk: Don’t you wish you could reduce your paperwork?

Maersk is pleased to bring you Simplified Freight Invoices. Starting on January 19th, 2019 your freight invoicing will experience a face-lift.
How does it work today?
If there is a change to the price on your shipment, previously Maersk would cancel the original invoice and then issue a completely new invoice with the revised charge and no explanation of how it linked to the original. Some customers also received a credit note.
Current process:
Original Invoice + New adjusted invoice with no link to the original
New invoicing process
From January 19th onwards, we will improve our process to serve you better. You will keep the original invoice, and we will issue either a credit note or a supplementary invoice, with improved information detailing the reason for the change.
New process:
Original Invoice + Credit Note/Supplementary with link and details
The above example shows an original invoice (left) where the Basic Ocean Freight was underbilled by $50.00. A supplementary invoice (right) for the $50 is then created. The supplementary invoice will reference the original invoice number and amount as seen on the right.
At any time you can find your invoice copies on Maersk.com under MyFinance. And while you’re there, save more time by paying directly with your bank account or a credit card (Visa/Mastercard).
Note: The above process is not yet available for EDI solutions, but will be available in future releases upon request.

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