2019-10-13 21:06:03 来源:信德海事网
2019-10-12 22:42:48 来源:信德海事网
2019-10-12 22:20:13 来源:信德海事网
更多内容,请咨询: 会议联系人:郁先生(Tory Yu) 咨询热线:86-(0)21-5155 0721 通过手机/微信:86-18516293596 通过邮件:shipping@enmore.com...
2019-10-11 13:34:11 来源:信德海事网
中国国际LNGGAS峰会暨展览会 自2015年召开以来 已成功在北京圆满落幕四届 吸引来自全球40多个国家地区近千余位行业专家学者数百家国际能源知名企业 精准对接商务洽谈 大会以绿色能...
2019-10-10 10:45:20 来源:信德海事网
近日发布的《交通强国建设纲要》指出,国家的交通治理能力,智能化和安全水平应位居世界前列。 构建交通现代化质量管理体系,推进精细管理,完善交通风险预防控制体系,是提升...
2019-09-30 15:31:01 来源:信德海事网
Crew Connect Global Conference 18-20 Nov 2019
The worlds largest crewing and marine HR event, CrewConnect Global, is returning to Manila for its 21st consecutive year to tackle the issues you told us matter the most to you. Connect with over 500 crewing professionals and dig deep into...
2019-09-30 10:20:35 来源:xinde marine news
11th Biennial International Chemical and Oil Pollution Conference and Exhibition 21-24 Oct 2019
Digitalisation, smart ports and connected ships are having a profound impact on marine operations. Keeping pace with the evolution are spill modelling and monitoring technologies which are equipping the industry with new operational trends....
2019-09-30 10:19:34 来源:xinde marine news
/uploads/allimg/190929/1-1Z9291524160-L.jpg 关于联合举办2019中国港口短视频大赛的通知 ▶ 当前,网络传媒进入移动微时代,短视频传播快速发展,凭借生动活泼的展现形式日渐成为人民群众喜...
2019-09-28 22:23:00 来源:信德海事网
第五届中国国际LNGGAS峰会暨展览会 将在美丽的首都北京召开 正盛装迎接来自全世界的宾友。 峰会主题 本届峰会的主题为绿色能源清洁未来,液化天然气作为清洁能源越来越受到青睐,...
2019-09-27 14:37:40 来源:信德海事网
11th Biennial International Chemical and Oil Pollution Conference and Exhibition 21-24 Oct 2019
Managing increasing cargo volumes and busy trade lanes in the region, meeting higher standards for safety and safer navigational benchmarks, and better inter-government and industry collaboration will help excel sustainable shipping. The 11...
2019-09-27 09:55:18 来源:信德海事网
Crew Connect Global Conference 18-20 Nov 2019
The worlds largest crewing and marine HR event, CrewConnect Global, is returning to Manila for its 21st consecutive year to tackle the issues you told us matter the most to you. Connect with over 500 crewing professionals and dig deep into...
2019-09-27 08:55:48 来源:信德海事网
Asia Pacific Maritime 30 Sep-2 Oct 2020
Asia Pacific Maritime (APM) is the premier exhibition and conference in Asia showcasing a complete overview of the vessel sectors services and solutions, technology, vessels equipment, machineries, supplies, and many more. With 15 editions...
2019-09-26 16:33:12 来源:信德海事网
2019中国油气行业 大数据应用高峰论坛
2019-09-24 09:40:31 来源:信德海事网
信德海事网,专业海事信息、咨询、服务平台! 点击此处订阅 免责声明:本文仅代表作者个人观点,与信德海事网无关。其原创性以及文中陈述文字内容和图片未经本站证实,对本文...
2019-09-18 11:15:15 来源:信德海事网