Sea Japan 2020, 11-13 March
The Games of the XXXII Olympiad will be held in Tokyo in 2020, but the other must-attend eventthat will be held in Tokyo in 2020 is Sea Japan! The event in 2020 will be the biggest ever in the history as the showcase of the latest marine te...
2020-02-21 16:06:34 来源:xinde marine news
Capital Link Cyprus 2020 Forum -Feb 25
Capital Link Cyprus 2020 Forum -Feb 25, Columbia Plaza, Limassol, Cyprus....
2020-02-21 10:20:16 来源:xinde marine news
●中国首款海员卡为远洋海员量身打造 2019年7月11日, 北京移动与中远海运联合发布中国首款海员卡,主打24个月无月租、国际流量包天低至10元、无忧行国际通话赠送1400分钟三大福利...
2020-02-20 10:51:34 来源:信德海事网
Featuring Leading Financiers at the 4th Annual Capital Link Cyprus Shipping Forum – Tuesday Februar
2020-02-13 16:26:00 来源:xinde marine news
Chinese Leasing Update - Capital Link 11th Annual Greek Shipping Forum – February 20, 2020 in Athen
2020-02-13 13:11:29 来源:xinde marine news
新春大礼! 中国移动打造首款“海员卡”,0月租,快来领
2020-01-25 15:30:00 来源:信德海事网
APM 18-20 March 2020-Future of vessels solutions for tomorrow
APM AND DCSA JOINTLY PRESENTS: CIO NETWORKING BREAKFAST The Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA) CIO Breakfast Session presents perspectives from the CIOs of the biggest shipowners in the industry. DCSA is a neutral and non-profit...
2020-01-22 08:57:09 来源:xinde marine news
Mediterranean Shipping Summit Istanbul 2020 --5 May 2020
Mediterranean Shipping Summit that will be held on 5 May 2020 in Istanbul, Turkey. The Summit is an indoor, close to a public event that comes up with on the challenges opportunities of the Shipping Industry in the Mediterranean region (Sou...
2020-01-21 09:35:44 来源:xinde marine news
Disruption, Digitalization & A New Decade at 11th Annual Capital Link Greek Shipping Forum – Th
Capital Links 11th Annual Greek Shipping Forum will take place on Thursday, February 20, 2020 at the Hilton Athens Hotel in Athens, Greece. The Forum is organized in cooperation with the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq....
2020-01-20 08:27:55 来源:xinde marine news
【免费】船员朋友们,快来定制您的明信片 将祝福送到家!
春节,回家,团圆, 牵动着千万中国人的心。 然而,却有这么一群人, 以海为伴,默默坚守在自己的岗位上。 或航行在浩瀚无边的大海上, 或靠泊在异乡陌生的港湾里。 他们就是伟...
2020-01-17 15:04:57 来源:信德海事网
香港海事处为了继续保持香港注册船舶的素质,已在2019年在香港、新加坡、上海以及青岛成功举办了 2019年安全研讨会。 於2020年,本处将分别在香港、新加坡、上海和大连举办四场研...
2020-01-17 12:11:41 来源:信德海事网
第三届除夕夜征集 《给远方的家人,拜新年》 信德海事网第三届除夕夜《给远方的家人,拜新年》开始征集啦~~ 思念,是扯不断的丝,是割不断的线,又是长夜细语,更是对坐无言。...
2020-01-10 15:48:21 来源:信德海事网
Posidonia 2020 26-30 Oct Metropolitan Expo,Athens-Greece
Posidonia, the Home of Shipping Posidonia provides direct access to Greek shipping and the owners of the largest fleet under the control of any one national group, dominating the newbuilding orderbook and SP market....
2019-12-31 16:52:00 来源:xinde marine news