
The 28th World Gas Conference (WGC2022) Early Bird Registration extended to 31 March 2022

London/Daegu, February 14, 2022: The WGC2022 National Organizing Committee (NOC) has taken the decision to make a one-time extension of the Early Bird Registration for the 28th World Gas Conference (WGC2022) to 31 March 2022. 
The Early Bird extension will give our colleagues within the gas and energy industry more time to register and save on a ticket to attend WGC2022 in Daegu, South Korea on 23-27 May 2022. 
“We are delighted with the level of interest and enthusiasm from our speakers, exhibitors, sponsors, partners and attendees in attending the conference and exhibition in person in Daegu this coming May, despite COVID-19,” said Bong Kyu Park, Co-Chairman of the NOC for WGC2022. “The NOC is pleased to offer maximum flexibility to all our colleagues within the gas and energy industry and encourage you to register now to take advantage of this special registration benefit.” 
Full refunds will be given for any cancellation of registration received by 31 March 2022. No refunds will be given for any cancellation received after 31 March 2022, except in cases where attendees must cancel their registration due to the Korean Government’s issue of an entry restriction to the Republic of Korea due to COVID-19 or equivalent pandemic. 
The event is being planned under the Korean Government’s ‘Living with Covid’ strategy, a proactive approach under which preparations for WGC2022 are proceeding. The NOC have been working closely with the Korean Prime Minister’s office and can confirm that all WGC2022 attendees planning to visit WGC will be exempt from self-quarantine on arrival in Korea. The application for quarantine exemption will be available through the online portal from mid-March which will be provided by WGC2022. 
WGC2022 will offer many opportunities for participation through the various informative programs such as in the Plenary, Luncheon Addresses, Current Debates, Industry Insights, Technology & Innovation, Professional Training Courses and Young Leaders Program. Speakers will undertake the debate on the critical issues facing the industry, discuss the need to meet the increasing global energy demand by improving accessibility, availability and affordability while tackling net-zero emissions targets and reshaping the trajectory for energy transition. 
The conference has already confirmed over 120 distinguished gas and energy industry leaders as speakers and recently confirmed industry experts such as Fatih Birol of the International Energy Agency, Alexey Miller of Gazprom, Kitack Lim of the International Maritime Organization, Dai Houliang of CNPC and H.E. Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi of QatarEnergy. 
With the Early Bird Registration extended to 31 March, there is still plenty of time to register and join the energy conversation on the event theme, A Sustainable Future - Powered by Gas taking place in Daegu, South Korea on 23-27 May 2022. 

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