China International Ship Recycling 2018 which will be held on June21- June 22, 2018 at Changning District, The Longemont Shanghai,China.
Based on the success the of the 5th E-Waste conference inShanghai, GDMMC is going to have the ship recycling conference in ShanghaiChina.
基于成功举办过5次国际电子废弃物管理峰会的基础上, 诺金会务将于2018年6月21号-22号在上海举办2018中国国际船舶峰会。
Confirmed Speakers: 确认的演讲嘉宾
1)Sun Jun, TechnicalOfficer of subdivision for protective, Marine Environment Division,theInternational Maritime Organization
2)Leyi Dong, Directorof China Maritime Safety Administration
3)Lixia Zheng, Dr. Ms,China Chief Technical Officer, BaselConvention Regional Centre for Asia
4)Wolfram Guntermann,Director Environmental Management, Hapag-Lloyd AG
5) Gudrun Janssens, Senior Policy Advisor, OVAM-Public Waste Agency ofFlanders
6) John Koernerup Bang, Head, Sustainability & Shared Value, Maersk
7) Dr. C.H Yeh, Ship Recycling Committee Chair, AsiaShip Owners Assocaition
8) Keiji Tomoda, Chairman Ship Recycling Committee/ Japan Ship OwnersAssociation
9) Dr. Liao Yan, South China Institute of Environmental Science, MEP
10) Simon Bennet, GM, Sustainable Development, The China NavigationCo.(Pte) Ltd, Swire Pacific Offshore Operations (Pte) Ltd
11) Tom Peter Blankestijn, Managing Director, Sea2Cradle B.V
12) Rakesh Bhargave, Director,SeaSentinels(Pte) Ltd
13) Dr. Anand Hiremath, Head of R&d, Lead co-ordinator for RSRP, GMS
More are on the way……………………………..
Conference Highlights:会议亮点
•Global Market Analysis 全球市场分析
•Safety and environmentally recycling and breaking in ship yard 安全和无公害的对船进行回收和拆解
•Developments of the Hongkong Convention香港公约的最新发展与近况
•The latest progress of prohibiting import the foreign waste, Progress on theimplementation of the reform of the import management system for solid waste
•Status, challenges and suggestions of waste ship recycling in China我国废船舶回收处理行业现状、问题及对策建议
•Basic requirements of building a ecological civilization in the 19th NationalCongress of the Communist Party of China, discussion on the general concern andexisting problems
十九大关于建设生态文明的基本要求, 我国拆船行业中普遍关心和存在问题的探讨
•Waste Ship Recycling & Breaking Innovation回收拆解创新
• Key steps, Planning & Correct measures for decommissioning of vessels拆解船舶的关键技术,计划和正确方法
•Updates on European Recycling 欧洲船舶回收的现状
•Development around the international Ship recycling legislation围绕国际船舶回收立法的发展
•EPR & Ship Recycling 企业生产者责任演讲和废旧船舶回收
•Vessel’s green Life Cycle of Product 船舶的绿色生命周期
•Ship Yards recycling & management in India印度废旧的回收管理案例分享
•Galloo company’s ship recycling & management Galloo 公司的报废船的回收和管理案例分享
•Leading Chinese ship recycling & breaking experience sharing 中国有资质的拆船厂的案例分享
•Basel Convention with Ship Recycling 关于废船回收和拆解,巴塞尔公约正在做的事情
•As a shipowner, Who believes that “Safe and Clean practices off the beach willbe [“Should”] become the nor作为一个船东,始终认为远离海滩的安全和清洁措施将成为常态
•Under the new circumstances, where should China's ship recycling& breakingcompanies go? 新形势下,中国的拆船企业该何去何从?
•Development in latest Green Recycling Options in Asian Facilities亚太绿色拆船厂的最新环保拆解的发展
•Ship Recycling Strategies of Maersk Line in APAC 马士基的亚太船舶回收策略
Part of invited andinviting speakers below
Ø Ministry of Environmental Protection
Ø Basel Convention Regional Center
Ø China Resource Recycling Association
Ø JAS( Japan Ship Owners Association)
Ø The international Maritime Organization
Ø China National Ship Recycling Association
Ø South China Institute of Environmental Science.MEP
Ø Hapag-AG
Ø NGO Ship Breaking Platform
Ø OVAM-Public Waste Agency of Flanders
Ø Europe Ship Owners Association
Ø China Assocation of Circular Economy
Ø Asia Ship Owners Association
Ø Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Corporation
Ø SRIA(Ship Recycling Industries Association)
Ø NV Galloo Recycling Ghent
Ø Changjiang Shi-Breaking Yard
Ø Maersk
Ø Environment European Commission
Ø China Maritime Safety Administration
Ø South China Institute of Environmental Science.MEP
Ø The China Navigation Co.(Pte) Ltd
Ø Europe Ship Recycling Group
Ø Sea2Cradle B.V
More are on the way…………….
Who should attend?
Ship owners
Sustainability experts
Ship Operations
Coastguard and Transport Authorities
Ship Builders and Shipyards
Repairing companies
Vendors and Subcontractors
Energy and Mining Companies
Recycling Facilities
Regulators, Consultant, Brokers, Financiers and Investors
Jackie Xie(谢女士)
Global Decision Maker Management Consulting LTD
Tel: +86 21 5182 7931 Ext.805
Cell: +86 177-5633-2677
Fax: +86 563 6035 299 Project Website 项目网站
04-28 来源:大连海事大学港澳校友会
08-16 来源:信德海事网
04-02 来源:信德海事网
03-30 来源:信德海事网
05-09 来源:信德海事网
03-05 来源:信德海事网
01-11 来源:信德海事网
05-22 来源:信德海事网
08-01 来源:信德海事网
02-20 来源:信德海事网