大家都想念社交活动,虽然隔离的等级已经开始降低了,但是大型聚会还是不能举行,会有相当一段时间我们无法当面聚会。因此我们筹划了YPSN Lounge线上见面。与以前的活动不同,这次邀请您加入我们一起组织创造这次聚会。你需要做什么?
We are all missing our social events. Even though restrictions are lowered, but large event are still banned. It will be a while before we can mingle in person. Hence we are having a YPSN virtual lounge. For this event you‘re cordially invited to create the party together with us – so what to do next?
This event is open to all Chinese and/or English speaking shipping professionals
和我们分享以下信息Share the following info with us:
经历了 COVID19,你现在最感兴趣的或者觉得最重要的是什么?你对自己有什么更多的了解?在个人和职业发展上有什么新诉求。
Living through the COVID 19, What are the most interesting and most important things for you? What have you learnt about yourself? What are pursuing inyour personal and professional development?
聘请调酒师Bartenders wanted:
调酒师们会和Wei、Tina及Party King一起创造这次活动。我们需要你有流利的中文和英文语言水平。请在问卷中回应你是否想要做本次活动的调酒师。前12名响应人员会成为调酒师。调酒师们在5月8日-15日期间的晚上会有2-3次的内部活动。
Bartenders will work with Wei, Tina and Party King on creating the party. You are expected be fluent in both Mandarin and English. Please respond if you want to be a bartender for this event. The first 12 volunteers will participate in a couple planning lounges in the week of 8 -15 May, prior to the main event.
Virtual lounge YPSN 线上派对:
●When 时间: 2020 May 15 Friday, 8-9:30pm Beijing time
●Where 地点: Zoom.
●Dress code 着装: White tie (if you don’t know what that means please google)
●Drink 酒水: Home-made tea and cocktail
Scan QR code
to join the party
04-28 来源:大连海事大学港澳校友会
08-16 来源:信德海事网
04-02 来源:信德海事网
03-30 来源:信德海事网
05-09 来源:信德海事网
03-05 来源:信德海事网
01-11 来源:信德海事网
05-22 来源:信德海事网
08-01 来源:信德海事网
02-20 来源:信德海事网