The 7th Annual Event Green Shiptech China Congress 2018
在第一届, 第二届, 第三届, 第四届, 第五届和第六届绿色船舶技术中国峰会中, 1800多位来自政府、船级社、船东、造船厂、研究机构、技术/设备供应商和咨询公司的专家以及行业决策者通过绿色船舶技术中国峰会这个国际平台, 就业内最关注的国际海事组织, 欧盟, 美国和中国的标准和法规如: 气体排放公约、压载水管理公约、防污染公约、新船型设计和标准以及先进的可持续绿色船舶技术等进行了深入的探讨和交流。
For our past GSCC 2012, GSCC 2013, GSCC 2014, GSCC 2015, GSCC 2016 and GSCC 2017, more than 1800 experts and decision makers from governments, classification societies, shipowners, shipyards, research institutes, technology / equipment suppliers and consulting companies have had indepth discussion and communication on the current issues of IMO,European Commission, U.S. Coast Guard, China MSA's policies and regulations, designs and standards for new ship models, innovative and sustainable green ship technologies.
在国际海事组织(IMO)、欧盟委员会、美国海岸警卫队、中华人民共和国海事局、中国船东协会、波罗的海国际航运公会、EGCSA和芬兰驻上海总领事馆及赞助商公司的大力支持下, 六届绿色船舶技术中国峰会取得了众人瞩目的成功。
Proudly supported by IMO, European Commission, U.S. Coast Guard, China MSA, China Shipowners'Association, BIMCO, EGCSA and FINPRO, Consulate General of Finland. GSCC 2012, GSCC 2013, GSCC 2014, GSCC 2015, GSCC 2016 and GSCC 2017 achieved an incrediblesuccess over our expectations.
2018年的第七届绿色船舶技术中国2018峰会, 预计将会有超过300名的业内专家, 各个公司的决策者以及政府官员通过这样一个国际平台, 深入探讨交流目前大家所关心的政策法规和行业热点。
In year 2018, Over 300 industry experts, corporate decision makers and government officials will be engaged in indepth exchange of views and discussions on the issues and topics that we concern by virtue of the international platform of Green ShiptechChina Congress 2018.
For more details, please contact with us:
Tel: +86 21 6607 8610
Email: marketing@ridgechina.com