
The Fifth Shipbro Forum & Shipbro Gathering Shanghai

The Fifth Shipbro Forum & Shipbro Gathering Shanghai 2017

Endorsed by:  The Shanghai Shipbrokers Club
Organized by: United Shipping Consultant (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Supported by: Hongkou Prefectural Government, Guangzhou Huangpu Prefectural Government, Xiamen Shipping Exchange
Date/Time: November 29, 2017 (Wed) / 0930-1730 Conference, 1730-2130 Banquet)
Location: Sheraton Shanghai Hongkou Hotel
Sponsored by: Liberian Registry, GMCG Group, Seacon Shipping, Fujian Jiada Shiptrading, Bernhard Schulte Ship Management (to be added)
Media partner: Lloyds List, Tradewinds, Xinde Marine News, Ship.sh

The Shipbro Forum & Shipbro Gathering Shanghai, which has been well received since 2013, will kick off its fifth annual meeting in November. In addition to shipbrokers, the participants of the forum include nearly all sectors of the market. The forum has attracted more and more attention from maritime society both at home and abroad and has become a highlight of Hongkou --- the place of origin of Shanghai international shipping since 19th century. 
TOPIC 1: The World Shipping Center in 2020
One of the main topics this year is China’s international shipping-center ambition. In its 11th Five-Year Plan, the State Council put forward an initiative to establish several maritime cities, including Shanghai, Tianjin and Dalian, as world shipping centers by 2020.
Among those designated cities, Shanghai has been the front runners in Beijing’s initiative, with its outstanding shipping resources and good business environment. In recent years, Guangzhou has been catching up and approving itself as a strong competitor. Our distinguished speakers will review their experiences over the past eight years and discuss the next step they will take before 2020 so as to fulfill the mission and/or objective set by the State Council.
TOPIC 2:The Impact of Rising Financial Shipowners
Another important subject is the rise of financial shipowners which include financial leasing companies, investment banks, private equity, fund and/or other owners with financial background. Whether they are a market disruptor or reformer, and whether they’ll become the leading force in tomorrow’s shipping arena.   
These questions will be discussed by our guests, including those from shipowners, leasing companies, banks, pools, ship managers, etc. There will be further debates about whether securitization will offer shipowners a new way of investment, and whether the market has room for a new type of market place for trading ship assets.
Eventually, a shipowner is a shipowner, no matter its origin. They used to be ship masters, adventurer, etc. They are now private or family firms, state owned companies, public listing companies, etc. The evolution never stops its step. What is the next shape and constituent of shipowner? We do not expect a definite answer. What we hope is to have a little enlightenment via discussion and debate. 


The agenda may be adjusted slightly, please pay attention to latest updates.

Participant fee

Standard fee:CNY 2,800 per person (USD 430)
CNPI subscriber, SSC paid member and CNPI panel members: One free, others 50% discount
SSC registered member shipbrokers: 50% discount

Contact Detail
Tel: 86-21-6052 7018
Person in charge:
Mr. Wang/138 1635 8588
Mr. Tao/139 1891 9180

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