- China will officially introduce foreign investors to trade in domestic iron ore futures from May 4, said Gao Li, spokesperson of China Securities Regulatory Commission.xinde marine news2018-04-16 13:48:03
- At the Boao Forum, HNA Group announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to explore business partnerships with Temasek, an investment company headquartered in Singapore.xinde marine news2018-04-16 13:46:58
- The shipping industry has a lot to lose in a potential trade war between the US and China. Millions of jobs and the bottom lines of major maritime shipping companies, which account for 80% of all global trade, depend on goods traversing thexinde marine news2018-04-16 11:11:49
- Morning offers of traders held stable today and partial traders were waiting for further market signs. Traders are still desire to lift mainstream middle and high grade fines prices due to the obvious shortage at ports in recent days. Steelxinde marine news2018-04-13 16:42:48
- China's foreign trade volume rose 9.4 percent year-on-year to 6.75 trillion yuan ($1.07 trillion) in the first quarter this year, customs data showed on Friday.xinde marine news2018-04-13 14:20:00
- PetroChina had supplied a record 7.4 billion cubic metres of natural gas from its underground storages during 2017’s winter supply crunch. At the moment, there are 25 underground gas storage (UGS) facilities in China. Compared with gas tanxinde marine news2018-04-13 10:25:57
- WITH the US and China locked horns over trade tariffs, speculation is mounting as to why US regulators have not yet approved Cosco Shipping's takeover of a Long Beach terminal through its acquisition of Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL).xinde marine news2018-04-13 10:24:26
- China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation or Sinopec, a Chinese oil and gas company and one of – if not the – the largest oil and gas firm in the world has launched a Green Action Plan, aiming to become a clean, efficient and low-carbon entxinde marine news2018-04-13 10:22:57
- Forward Maritime, an Arista Group company, has pinned Jiangsu Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Group for the construction of up to 20 LNG-fueled dry bulk carriers.xinde marine news2018-04-13 10:20:39
- China was the Philippines' largest source of imports in February, comprising 19.9 percent share of the total import for the month, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) said Wednesday.xinde marine news2018-04-13 10:16:08
- Morning offers of traders edged up by RMB5-10/tonne today due to the support of futures market and large purchases of steel mills in recent days. Traders are active to submit offers, while they start to lift partial mainstream cargo prices.xinde marine news2018-04-12 16:08:15
- Iron ore futures in China rose for a second session to hit a one-week high on April 11 as buyers replenished their stockpiles of the steelmaking raw material amid signs of a pickup in steel demand.xinde marine news2018-04-12 14:01:04
- China National Offshore Oil Corp (CNOOC) will next week auction one or two cargoes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) for delivery later in the year on the Shanghai Petroleum and Gas Exchange, the state-controlled company's first such deal.xinde marine news2018-04-12 13:59:45
- The inauguration of Hong Kong’s first-ever cruise and yachting event on November 22-25, will offer a novel leisure component to a busy Hong Kong Maritime Week (18-24 November) this year.xinde marine news2018-04-12 13:58:29
- TAIWAN's Wan Hai Lines (WHL) is to launch a new Japan-Korea-Haiphong service (JKH) on April 22 to boost the carrier's network.xinde marine news2018-04-12 13:37:07