- 2020 has been another year of solid progress for A.P. Moller - Maersk, both in terms of financial performance and in transforming the company. Despite low volumes during most of 2020, profitability grew throughout the first nine months andxinde marine news2021-02-18 09:52:22
- In January 2021, seven incidents of armed robbery against ships were reported in Asia No piracy incident was reported ReCAAP ISC is concerned with the continued occurrence of incidents on board ships while underway in the Singapore Strait oxinde marine news2021-02-18 09:49:21
- The crude oil sector has experienced a devastating 12 months. The Covid-19 pandemic has decimated demand, and currently at least, there is no definitive end in sight. Circumstances have also impacted the refining sector, although it was alrxinde marine news2021-02-18 09:40:04
- The new clause creates a contractual framework to overcome the primary obstacle to just in time arrivals; the obligation on shipowners to proceed with due or utmost despatch and without deviation. This is a critical aspect of making JIT arrxinde marine news2021-02-18 09:32:47
- The starting point is that while a vessel is carrying cargo there is no right for either party to terminate the contract. This approach has been taken to avoid that the provision acts as a weapon in the hands of the party claiming force majxinde marine news2021-02-18 09:24:45
- The ice reports include, where available, up- to- date ice charts, indicating the coverage and thickness of the sea ice for the Northern Chinese , Japanese and Greenland sea areas . The BIMCO ice information coverage is expanding along withxinde marine news2021-02-18 09:20:45
- A.P. Moller - Maersk speeds up on decarbonisation with a methanol-fueled feeder vessel on the water in 2023, piloting a scalable carbon neutral product to customers and offering fuel suppliers incentive to scale production of the fuels of txinde marine news2021-02-18 09:18:37
- MARITIME businesses and professionals from across the UK and the world are being invited to hear the Government and industrys latest thinking on the future of the UKs shipbuilding strategy at this years Society of Maritime Industries (SMI)xinde marine news2021-02-18 09:07:11
- Columbia Shipmanagement (CSM) has underlined its commitment to growing its share of the important Asian market by boosting the size and capability of its management team in the region. As part of this positive initiative, Demetris Chrysostoxinde marine news2021-02-18 09:02:35
- In the full year of 2020, global container shipping volumes fell by 1.2% compared with 2019, much less than feared even before the pandemic was first declared, and much recovered compared with the 6.8% drop recorded in the first six monthsxinde marine news2021-02-18 08:48:21
- On February 8, Ministry of Transport issued an announcement on suspending the implementation of foreign crew shifts on some ships in China. According to the announcement, during the quarantine process of domestic ports, it was discovered thxinde marine news Sarah Yu2021-02-09 14:03:07
- A massive line-up of containers at Yantian Port in Shenzhen, South Chinas Guangdong Province, has reached its limits and led to serious congestion there. The port, which handles one-third of Guangdongs foreign trade shipments and one-quarteGlobal Times2021-02-09 10:18:51
- The Haixun 06 patrol ship is launched at a shipbuilding base in Wuhan, Hubei province, on Monday. It will be the largest patrol ship in the Taiwan Straits when it is put to use. Construction of what will become the largest patrol ship in thChinadaily2021-02-09 10:16:29
- - Humanitarian crisis averted as MSC arranges relief for seafarers stuck off Chinas coast since September - Bulk carrier ANASTASIAs crew to disembark on 10 February in Japan, before ship resumes service - MSC will continue to monitor seafarxinde marine news2021-02-09 09:40:30
- Together with a number of member states and international organisations, BIMCO has proposed that the IMO should reconsider the direction, in which the amendment of MARPOL Annex IV has taken concerning existing ships. BIMCO has participatedxinde marine news2021-02-09 09:24:36