- Moving Green by Green - Worlds Largest Ammonia Powered VLAC Debuts On December 10, Jiangnan Shipyard (Group) Co. Ltd, together with CSTC, video signed a memorandum of cooperation with JS Co for 2 + 2 units of 93000 CBM very large integral gJiangnan Shipyard2021-12-13 16:58:46
- Nor-Shipping 2022 has announced that four nominations have been shortlisted for the prestigious Young Entrepreneur Award, following in the footsteps of previous winners including Boyan Slat, founder of Ocean Cleanup, and the Brim Explorer mxinde marine news2021-12-13 16:50:50
- Many shipowners are making hay while the sun shines as high charter rates in some market segments have fuelled revenue - but they could reap trouble by delaying yard stays for ballast water treatment (BWT) system retrofits as the clock tickxinde marine news2021-12-13 16:42:51
- On December 10, Chinas first dual-fuel multi gas carrier Hong Li built by CSSC Huangpu Wenchong, was delivered in Guangzhou, achieved a breakthrough in the construction of LNG ships in South China. Compared with conventional diesel engines,xinde marine news Sarah Yu2021-12-13 16:06:03
- 21st Edition of Marintec China A New Date and A new Venue in 2022 Marintec China, the showcase event for the Chinese Shipbuilding and Maritime Industry, has today confirmed that the 21st Edition of the event will now take place from 28 JuneMarintec China2021-12-13 14:01:48
- Amazon, beset by a number of logistical challenges, is taking matters into its own hands by chartering its own ships and planes. The initiative is to avoid bottlenecks in delivery networks as the world deals with supply-chain logjams. The wThe National2021-12-13 10:41:34
- The IMO Assembly has adopted amendments to the IMO Convention to expand the size of the Council, extend the term of its Members and recognize three additional language texts as authentic versions of the IMO Convention. The Assembly is meetiIMO2021-12-13 10:26:08
- VLCC The market continued to slide on this sector. 280,000mt Middle East Gulf to US Gulf (Cape/Cape routing) rates are assessed almost a point lower than last week at close to WS20. The rate for 270,000mt Middle East Gulf to China fell almoThe Baltic Exchange2021-12-13 10:24:51
- Port Hedland is the largest iron ore export port, which serves BHP and FMG in WA. The annual loadings in 2020 amounted to 540 million tons which took up 62% of whole Aussies export, 47% of global ocean shipping volume as per Bancosta Researxinde marine news2021-12-13 10:03:00
- The Shape of Things to Come The world is changing rapidly around us. One thing that has significantly changed over the last two years is that the environment is much more at the forefront of peoples conscience. The recent price spikes in oixinde marine news2021-12-13 08:57:09
- Wan Hai Lines expanded its purchase of second-hand ships. On the 7th, Wan Hai Lines issued an announcement to purchase two 1774TEU second-hand ships for a total of 78 million U.S. dollars. They are expected to be delivered in the second quaxinde marine news Sarah Yu2021-12-10 17:24:27
- Nor-Shipping has announced that Daphne Technology, Jotun, HASYTEC Group Germany/ Alesund Maritime, and Wavefoil have seen off a fierce competing field to make it to the shortlist of the inaugural Ocean Solutions Award. Launched to celebratexinde marine news2021-12-10 17:16:53
- DESMI Ocean Guard A/S Receives Prestigious Award for Being The Fastest Growing Manufacturing CompanyAt an award ceremony in Copenhagen on December 9th DESMI Ocean Guard was awarded the prestigious Brsen Gazelle 2021 award as the fastest growing manufacturing company in Denmark. The fastest growing manufacturing company in Denmark, 2021 Wexinde marine news2021-12-10 16:19:09
- From January to November this year, Ningbo Zhoushan Port completed a cargo throughput of 1.125 billion dwt, a year-on-year increase of 3.8%, and achieved an annual cargo throughput of over 1.1 billion dwt for the third consecutive year. Comxinde marine news Sarah Yu2021-12-10 13:26:24
- On 9thDec, RINA issued Approval-in-Principle(AIP)Certificate to CCTD for the 145KGTcruise.It is an important beginning forCSSCtogradually master the initiative ofChinalarge cruise project,breaking the technical blockade and monopoly of foreRINA2021-12-10 10:57:36