- BIMCOs Documentary Committee has approved two clauses and one contract for publication: The much-awaited Emissions Trading System Allowances (ETSA) Clause for Time Charter Parties 2022, the Infectious or Contagious Diseases (IOCD) Clause foBIMCO2022-05-26 16:52:41
- On May 26, Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding, jointly with China Shipbuilding Trading, christened and delivered the 80,000 m3 LNG carrier LAGENDA SURIA to the joint shipowners KLine, ICBC Leasing and Shenergy Group. LAGENDA SURIA is not only theXinde Marine News Sarah Yu2022-05-26 15:00:38
- Swiss marine power company WinGD has introduced an on-engine version of its popular iCER system, enabling the emissions reduction technology to be installed without impact on engine footprint. The development is part of WinGDs commitment toXinde Marine News2022-05-26 13:52:00
- American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) has granted Approval in Principle (AIP) for a design for a wind turbine installation vessel (WTIV) for COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry CO., LTD. (CHI) by Friede and Goldman (FG). The design is suitable for alXinde Marine News2022-05-26 13:38:45
- MISC announced its financial results for the first quarter ended 31 March 2022. Financial Highlights: Group revenue and operating profit for the quarter ended 31 March 2022 were higher than the corresponding quarter ended 31 March2021. AfteXinde Marine News2022-05-26 13:32:56
- Green Port Development and Carbon Reduction Initiatives in the Asia-Pacific On May 24, 2022, the 2022 APEC Green Port Online Forum was successfully held virtually. With the theme of Green Port Development and Carbon Reduction Initiatives inXinde Marine News2022-05-26 13:13:00
- Recently, COSCO SHIPPING (Qidong) Offshore, a subsidiary of COSCO SHIPPING Heavy Industry, has won an order from the Danish company Cadeler for building a high-standard wind turbine installation vessel, with the contract price equivalent toCOSCO SHIPPING2022-05-26 10:11:12
- A new cutting-edge research vessel launched in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, on May 18 is expected to play an important role in Chinas marine science and contribute to the development of the nations marine economy in the years to come. CheChina Daily2022-05-26 10:08:24
- The total transportation capacity of existing registered seagoing vessels at Yangpu Port in south Chinas Hainan Province has historically exceeded 10 million deadweight tons (dwt) on Monday. A newly built bulk cargoshipnamed Jiahangda of thCCTV2022-05-26 09:55:43
- Recently, China Maritime Service Center released the Global crew change policy inquiry platform on the applet of Wechat iseafarer. The appletprovides convenience for the crew change of Chinese seafarersof international vessels. It is mainlyXinde Marine News2022-05-26 09:46:00
- Singapore VLSFO availability is super tight in Singapore amid limited cargo inflows. This comes at a time when HSFO has become more readily available with support from higher cargo imports, stretching Singapores Hi5 spread to nearly $300/mtENGINE2022-05-26 09:02:33
- From Cap Gris-Nez on the Pas-de-Calais coast in the north of France, EMSA remotely piloted aircraft are being used by the French Directorate General of Maritime Affairs, Fisheries and Aquaculture to measure sulphur and nitrogen emissions frXinde Marine News2022-05-26 08:51:14
- Posidonia Exhibitions SA, the leading trade fair organiser in Greece, and Bureau Veritas (BV), a world leader in testing, inspection, and certification, have collaborated for Posidonia 2022 , the International Shipping Exhibition, to be cerXinde Marine News2022-05-25 16:15:17
- All parties gathered for planning meeting ahead of cleaning operation The UKs Royal Navy has already used ECOsubseas services in Southampton, Plymouth and Portsmouth through a testing period in 2021 with encouraging results. In a technicalXinde Marine News2022-05-25 15:44:49
- OnMay 23, Yangzijiang Shipbuilding held a delivery ceremony for the second 13,000DWT chemical tanker BIT WIND built for TARBIT in Sweden. BIT WIND is the second 13,000DWT chemical tanker built by Yangzijiang Shipbuilding for the SwedishshipXinde Marine News Sarah Yu2022-05-25 15:09:00