- On June 28, the opening ceremony of automatic container terminalNo. 7 and 8 in south of Dalanping operation area was held in Qinzhou by Beibu Gulf Port Group. The automated gantry crane stably lifts containers to IGV cars, marking the worldXinde Marine News2022-06-29 14:17:12
- According to online information, a container barge carrying more than 50 units of export containers, including EMC, WHL and YML, capsized at noon on June 28, causing eight containers to fall into the water. According to preliminary informatXinde Marine News2022-06-29 14:13:00
- Ms Quah Ley Hoon, Chief Executive, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore has been conferred the Knight of the French Order of the Legion of Honor (Chevalier de la Lgion dHonneur), awarded by the French government. The National Order of tMPA2022-06-29 14:12:00
- Strategic Marine (S) Pte Ltd (SMS) has sold two StratCat 27 (SC27) Crew Transfer Vessels (CTVs) to a new client, Manor Renewable Energy (MRE), a leading UK-based renewable energy service provider. This is the first sale to the MRE Group, whXinde Marine News2022-06-29 13:13:01
- On June 28, 2022, China Merchants Energy Shipping , Dalian Shipbuilding Industry and China Shipbuilding Trading signed two 115,000 DWT crude carrier construction contracts in Shenzhen, Dalian and Shanghai through the cloud signing method. TXinde Marine News Sarah Yu2022-06-29 11:11:29
- On June 28, CSSCs HuangpuShipbuildingsigned a contract with CA Shippingto build 4+4 1,600TEU container vessels. The vesselis 166.95 meters long, 27.50 meters wide, 14.50 meters deep, design draft 8.5 meters, design speed 16.95 knots, can loXinde Marine News2022-06-29 11:09:32
- On June 28, Guangzhou ShipyardInternational, a subsidiary of CSSC, delivered the worlds first SuezmaxLNG dualfuelledcrude oil tanker(158,000DWTLNGdualfuelledcrude oil tanker)in Nansha, Guangzhou. At the same time, it is the largest LNGdual-Xinde Marine News2022-06-29 11:05:00
- Chinas latest commitment to expanding high-level opening-up is expected to reassure foreign investors of the nations promise to relentlessly open its door wider and share development dividends with the rest of the world despite the rising tChina Daily2022-06-29 11:01:10
- Chinas first intelligent factory producing extraction equipment for marine oil and natural gas was put into operation on Sunday, marking a major step toward manufacturing digitalization in the marine energy field, according to China NationaGlobal Times2022-06-29 10:58:17
- ExxonMobil, Shell, CNOOC, and local authorities have agreed to evaluate the potential for a world-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) project in the Chinese Guangdong Province. ExxonMobil, Shell, CNOOC, and Guangdong Provincial DevelopmeOffshore Energy2022-06-29 09:34:00
- Chinas major ports registered year-on-year growth in combined throughput so far this year despite sporadic resurgences of COVID-19 in parts of the country, Vice Minister of Transport Zhao Chongjun said on Monday. The combined cargo throughpCCTV2022-06-29 09:25:49
- Shell and CMA CGM Group have signed agreements that will see them work closely together to accelerate decarbonising the marine sector. This includes a multi-year liquefied natural gas (LNG) supply agreement, which will supply LNG to CMA CGMXinde Marine News2022-06-29 09:10:30
- To support consistent implementation and verification of the 0.50% sulphur limit, MARPOL Annex VI has been amended to introduce definitions distinguishing between in-use and on board fuel oil samples taken from a vessel. To facilitate the nStandard Club2022-06-29 08:46:00
- Passengers scan a health QR code when entering Beijing Daxing International Airport on June 6, 2022. [Photo/IC] China has decided to shorten the centralized quarantine period for international travelers and close contacts of confirmedCOVID-China Daily2022-06-28 16:55:21
- Recently, the Ministry of Transport of China and other four departments issued opinions of The State Council on Carbon peak and Carbon Neutral work, in order to accelerate the green and low-carbon transport and earnestly do a good job in caXinde Marine News2022-06-28 16:03:18