
China identified coal reserves grow 2.5% by end-2018

China posted a 2.5% growth in identified coal reserves by the end of last year compared with a year earlier, state media Xinhua News Agency reported, citing a report released by Ministry of Natural Resources on October 10. 
The Xinhua report didn't give the total reserves of coal identified by the end of 2018, yet sxcoal.com calculated it at around 1.71 trillion tonnes based on the official figure of 1.67 trillion tonnes of identified coal reserves by the end of 2017, which was up 4.3% year on year. 
Meanwhile, newly added measured oil reserves in China totaled 959 million tonnes by the end of 2018, while that of natural gas and shale gas were 831.16 billion and 124.68 billion cubic meters respectively, according to the report

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