
China’s Jan natural gas imports rise 6% on month

China imported 9.8 million mt of natural gas in January, up 6.2% from December, and rose 26.8% year on year, latest General Administration of Customs data showed Wednesday.
Separately, China imported 6.58 million mt of LNG in January, up 4.6% month on month, and increased 27.8% year on year.
The country brought in 3.23 million mt of natural gas through pipeline in January, up 9.7% month on month and rose 24.8% year on year, GAC data showed.
Australia was the biggest supplier of natural gas to China in January at 2.34 million mt, followed by Turkmenistan at 2.25 million mt and Qatar at 1.40 million mt, according to the customs’ data.

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