
Mixed ore warehousing exceeds 20 ml tons in Dalian

Cumulative warehousing of bonded mixed ore in Dalian Port of northeast China's Liaoning Province had exceeded 20 million tons from April last year to August this year. 
This makes Dalian Port the first in China to reach such a storage capacity. 
Since Liaoning Province's Dalian free trade zone was set up in April last year, the Dalian Port have been engaged in developing its bonded mixed ore business, with its ore quay turning a deficit of 80 million yuan (estimated 11.6 million U.S. dollars) in 2016 into a 200 million-yuan-gain (estimated 29.1 million U.S. dollars) last year. 
The port also upgraded its transit berth and mixed-ore storage area in May this year, which has improved the port's capacity for ore mixing and transporting. This aimed at catering to the surging domestic and overseas needs for bonded mixed ore business. 
By the end of August, the cumulative amount of mixed ore handled at the port this year had reached 7.21 million tons, a 38 percent rise compared to same time last year. 
"The annual amount of mixed ore handled rose from 15 million tons in the past to 20 million tons now, the daily amount being some 50,000 tons on an average, which is sufficient to meet the demands of our clients at the moment," said Wang Zengkai, a planning manager from the bulk cargo terminal company at Dalian Port. 
Dalian Port will also see improvement in services such as iron ore bonded futures delivery, and import 
and export trade transit in an effort to create a leading distribution center and mixed ore base in northeast Asia. 

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