Morning offers of traders went up by RMB5-10/tonne today. Traders are willing to deliver cargos under rising spot market offers. Steel mills mainly keep a wait-and-see attitude and the purchases are hard to soar in the short term.
Market transactions: Traders are active to submit offers. Traders and steel mills are not eager to make purchases under falling futures prices. Spot market stands slack. Market transactions focus on mainstream middle grade resources. Lumps and low grade resources see slack transactions. Transaction prices of PB fines stand at RMB455/tonne and RMB450/tonne respectively in Tangshan and Shandong.
Market supply and demand: Market transactions showed large amount last week. Lumps and low grade fines transactions edge up supported by demand, because many companies aim to gain profits under falling steel product prices. Market transactions witness flat performance compared with that of last week.
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