
Chinese Iron and Steel prices on March 29 2018

Morning offers of spot market resources basically held steady compared with that of yesterday. Partial traders show obvious desire to deliver cargo under futures market trend. Iron ore spot market stocks of steel mills go up influenced by the purchases of yesterday and their demand start to decrease today.

Market transactions: Iron ore spot market performance remains fair today and transactions climb down compared with that of yesterday. Market cargos are mainly flowed into regions of Shanxi and Tangshan. Iron ore demand is hard to increase in Wu’an influenced by production restriction. Transaction price of SSF stands at RMB278/tonne in Tangshan.
Market supply-demand: Iron ore market is obviously influenced by futures market in recent days. Moreover, production limitation and reduction measures are witnessed in some regions of north China. Thus, many traders hold wait-and-see attitude towards the coming market. Partial small traders see obvious desire to deliver cargos and spot market transaction prices climb down. 


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