
Hellenic Maritime Forum 2024: Shaping the Future of the Maritime Industry

On November 19th and 20th, maritime experts from the Balkans and other regions will gather in Athens for the Hellenic Maritime Forum. This significant event will bring together a wide range of industry stakeholders—including shipowners, ship managers, ports, regulators, classification societies, tech firms, and suppliers—to discuss critical challenges and trends shaping the maritime sector.
A key topic will be decarbonization, as the industry faces growing pressure to reduce its carbon emissions in line with global sustainability goals. Attendees will explore cutting-edge strategies and technologies aimed at making maritime operations more environmentally friendly and sustainable.
The forum will also highlight the well-being and safety of seafarers. Recognizing the vital role that maritime workers play, sessions will focus on improving working conditions, promoting mental health, and ensuring the safety of crews at sea.
In addition, digitalization and artificial intelligence (AI) will feature prominently in discussions. With rapid technological advancements changing the face of the industry, participants will explore how digital tools can optimize ship performance, improve efficiency, and aid in decision-making.
The event will begin with a Gala Cocktail Party on the first day, offering a relaxed atmosphere for networking and relationship-building among attendees. This gathering is expected to foster connections and encourage collaboration within the industry.
Day two will feature presentations and panel discussions led by top experts and thought leaders, offering valuable insights into current trends and best practices. The forum will conclude with an Awards Ceremony, recognizing individuals and organizations for their exceptional contributions and achievements in the maritime field.
Overall, the Hellenic Maritime Forum in Athens presents a key opportunity for the maritime community to come together, share insights, and work toward a more sustainable, efficient, and resilient future. With a broad range of topics and activities on the agenda, participants can expect an enriching and productive experience.
Hellenic Maritime Forum:
Date: November 19 - 20, 2024
Location: Athens, Greece
Organizer: IGGS Group
Website: https://hellenicmaritimeforum.com/
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