

Oil and Gas Asia (OGA), the leading industry event for the oil, gas, energy and petrochemicals sector in Southeast Asia, is set to welcome a pivotal gathering of energy professionals to its 20th edition from Sept 25 to 27 to advance the dialogue and investment opportunities in a green future.
The elevated interest this year includes the participation of OGSE companies from the region, global names and seven international pavilions from Europe and Asia, spotlighting OGA’s impact in driving the region’s energy eco-system and to catalyse business and strategic partnerships.
Organised by Informa Markets, the event themed “Powering Progress Towards A Sustainable Energy Landscape” takes place at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre with Petronas confirmed once again as Corporate Partner.
Economy Minister YB Rafizi Ramli will officiate the show on Sept 25 afternoon before an international audience of government stakeholders, thought leaders and experts from conventional and renewable energy sectors.

Anticipated to attract over 28,000 attendees from 70 countries, OGA 2024 will offer unparalleled networking opportunities alongside a comprehensive showcase of innovative technologies. The three-day event will feature a dynamic programme of concurrent conference tracks and forums to
launch intense discussions into pathways to decarbonisation.
Exhibiting companies will include AHF Energy, CR3, Emerson, Enviros, Essem, Goforth, Pantech Group, PTTEP, Scopetel, Velesto, Wika and many more.
“Sustainability is the pressing challenge of the day. Many countries and companies are still looking at the best options for their energy needs and security. We are delighted to host numerous market leaders with their latest solutions at the OGA exhibition and as the platform for a distinguished
gathering of professionals, decision makers and industry stakeholders from the public-private sectors to discuss the shift and challenges,” said Tan Sri Abdul Rahman Mamat, Chairman, Informa Markets Malaysia.

The OGA exhibition will be filled by 2,000 national and international exhibitors with seven pavilions from Germany, South Korea, Singapore, United Kingdom, China, Italy and India. Co-located with OGA 2024, the 2nd Petrochemicals Sustainability Conference (PSC) by the
Malaysian Petrochemicals Association (MPA) builds on the success of its debut at OGA 2022, driving forward sustainability dialogue in the petrochemical sector. Themed “Future Ready Petrochemicals”, PSC will be held on Sept 26 and 27 with over 20 sessions and 50 experts in energy transition and climate change from Malaysia and the region. Conference topics include circular economy, hydrogen economy, market trends and investment opportunities in sustainable petrochemicals and regional cooperation in sustainable investments.

Minister of Investment, Trade and Investment YB Senator Tengku Datuk Seri Utama Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz will present a keynote address and launch the Malaysia’s Circular Economic Policy Framework for the Manufacturing Sector at the opening session of PSC on Sept 26 morning.
The Malaysian Oil, Gas and Energy Services Council (MOGSC), the largest national association representing the industry, is hosting the 7th Malaysia Oil & Gas Services Exhibition and Conference (MOGSEC) themed “Resilient, Competitive, Sustainable” with an umbrella MOGSC Pavilion comprising a Knowledge Centre, OGSE-SME Pavilion, Innovation Pavilion (OGSE Innovation Awards) and Decommissioning Pavilion.
Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability YB Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad will speak on the policy frameworks for sustainable development at MOGSEC on Sept 26 afternoon.
“Beyond being one of the foremost regional events on the oil & gas industry's calendars, OGA has proven to be a vital touchpoint among the industry ecosystem, particularly for its supply chain: the OGSE companies. As the sector development agency for OGSE, MPRC is delighted to continue supporting and participating in OGA 2024 as part of our initiatives to drive discourse and industry engagements, and unleash growth opportunities for the OGSE sector, anchored on Malaysia's oil, gas and energy policy goals.” said Mohd Yazid Ja’afar, President/CEO, MPRC
The International Sourcing Programme (INSP) by the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) will be back as the business matching platform to facilitate cross-border connections between Malaysia OGSE players and international partners.
Other key highlights:
● Speak OGA peer-to-peer exchange track will platform industry service providers to speak on transformation drivers, energy efficiency, automation and more. The free entry sessions take place on the exhibition floor.
● Women In Energy Forum organised by Malaysian Gas Association (MGA) centres on enhancing and progressing Diversity & Inclusion in the energy sector.
● Empowering Oil, Gas and Energy Leaders Of Tomorrow helmed by TalentCorp Malaysia, aims to equip the next generation of professionals with the right skill set needed in this dynamic industry.
● NEXTGen Energy Leader programmed for young professionals to engage with seasoned energy practitioners and like-minded peers mentored by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) KL.
OGA 2023 was a resounding success with a record-breaking attendance of 28,530 trade visitors from 80 countries, along with 1,142 participating companies representing 40 countries.

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