
Nominations open for 2024 Crew Connect Global Awards

Nominations are officially now invited for the 2024 Seatrade Maritime Crew Connect Awards, which will return this year to once again celebrate the initiatives and innovations which are driving progress across the crewing sector.

Nominations are invited across a total of six industry categories, including:
· Innovation and Adoption of Technology Award
· Health and Wellbeing at Sea Award
· Industry Partner Award
· Training and Safety at Sea Award
· Environmental Champion Award
· Seafarer of the Year

A further two individuals will also be presented during the Gala Dinner, which will recognise a Lifetime Achievement and a Personality of the Year. The winners will be revealed on Thursday 14 November during the ever-popular Seatrade Maritime Crew Connect Global Gala Dinner at Shangri-La The Fort, Manila, The Philippines.

“The 2024 Crew Connect Global Awards will showcase the commitment and contributions that are helping to create a safer, more sustainable, and all-round better future for the seafarers of today and tomorrow,” said Chris Morley, Group Director of Seatrade Maritime.

“Each nomination made will be judged by an independent panel of experts, which will ensure a transparent and fair process for all teams who have a success story or innovation to share. During a period where great progress is being made, yet significant challenges posed by both crewing-specific and wider industry issues continue to cause concern, we believe it is important to ensure that schemes, such as the Crew Connect Global Awards, provide an opportunity to acknowledge companies of all size and scale who are playing a positive role in the future of crewing,” continued Morley.

Nominations for the 2024 Crew Connect Global Awards will close on Friday 06 September. The shortlist will be announced in the following few weeks after, ahead of the winners who will be revealed on Thursday 14 November as part of the wider Seatrade Maritime Crew Connect Global conference, which this year is co-located with Seatrade Cruise Asia at Shangri-La The Fort, Manila, The Philippines.

You can find out more about the Crew Connect Global Awards, and begin a nomination, here.

source: Seatrade Maritime Crew Connect Global

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