China Shipowners' Association, China Shipowners Mutual Assurance Association and Xinde Marine News will co-host the "Seminar on Safe Shipping", which will be held online on January 21, 2022. With the theme of "Safety at Sea", the seminar will invite experts, scholars and practitioners in the shipping industry to conduct online exchanges and discussions on statistics and analysis of winter ship accident cases, precautions and preventive measures for safe sailing in adverse weather and sea conditions, and suggestions for loss prevention and claims settlement in shipping insurance.
Beijing Time:Jan.21.2022 09:00 — 11:30
Place:Online Live Streaming
Voov meeting: ID 167-618-242
Scan the QR code to register for the conference
Live streaming: https://meeting.tencent.com/l/VbkKdK0WaH4X
Opening Speech
Mr. Zhang Shouguo, Executive Deputy Chairman of China Shipowners' Association
Speech 1: Presentation of cases of major ship accidents in winter
Speaker: Mr. Qu Pengxiang, China Yangshan MSA
Speech 2: Statistics and Analysis of Global Container Accidents at Sea
Speaker: Mr. Lars Kjaer, Senior Vice President, World Shipping Council
Speech 3: Intelligent voyage planning and weather routing help ships safe sailing
Speaker: Mr. Ivan Tam, Regional Sales Manager, Wärtsilä Voyage
Speech 4: Container Accident Prevention and Insurance Claims
Speaker: Capt Wei Yuliang, China Shipowners Mutual Assurance Association
Speech 5: Xinde Marine Safety Annual Report launch
Speaker: CE Ban Yunzhu, Xinde Marine Safety Dept
Q&A and End