The Hong Kong Branch of the Chartered Shipbrokers is pleased to invite you to the panel discussion(
on the 5th November 2021 from 6pm - 7.15pm.
The event will be held in the hybrid format as follows:
In person (all going well):
ICS Members (on a first-come-first-served basis) and invited guests from the industry
Venue: Century Room I & II, Basement 2, Novotel Hotel, 238 Jaffe Road, Wan Chai
The Panel discussion will be followed by Cocktails
Open to all
Event Details:
A Hong Kong Maritime Week 2021 Event
"Masterfully Navigating Industry Challenges"
Discussion Threads:
1. Regulatory (Environment & Financial) Developments & Challenges
2. Sustaining Interest in Seafaring Career - A Collective Responsibility
1. Private & Public listed Owners & Owner-operators, Ship Managers
2. Legal and Environment Strategist
Mr. Benjamin Wong, Head of Maritime Cluster, Invest Hong Kong
Ms. Christine Loh, Chief Development Strategist, HKUST, ex-Under Secretary for the Environment, HKSAR Government; Board: Global Maritime Forum
Mr. Hing Chao, Executive Chairman, Wah Kwong Transport Holdings Ltd., Executive Committee - HKSOA
Mr. Wellington Koo, Executive Director, Valles Steamship Company Limited, Deputy Chairman - HKSOA
Mr. Bjorn Hojgaard, CEO Anglo-Eastern Univan Group, Chairman - HKSOA
Mr. Martin Fruergaard, CEO Pacific Basin Shipping Ltd.
Mr. Edward Liu, Partner Hill Dickinson LLP, Principal Representative of International Chamber of Shipping (China) Liaison Office
Mr. Jagmeet Makkar, Chairman - ICS-HK, Board Director: GlobalMET
Looking forward to seeing you.