DNV GL approves Jiangnan Shipyard’s LNG carrier design xinde marine news 2018-09-06 15:31

Classification society DNV GL granted approval in principle to Jiangnan Shipyard’s new liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier design.
The design was developed by the Chinese shipyard in cooperation with ship designer MARIC, GTT, DNV GL and major equipment manufacturers, according to a DNV GL statement.
The “LNG JUMBO” uses the GTT Mark III Flex cargo containment system, and is equipped with four standard cargo holds, with a capacity of in total 175,000 cubic meters.
The proposed WINGD X-DF low-pressure, low-speed two-stroke dual-fuel main engine propulsion system offers higher propulsion efficiency and lower fuel consumption in combination with an optimized twin skeg design and additional energy saving devices, the statement said.
In gas mode, the propulsion system meets IMO NOx Tier III requirements without the need for exhaust gas treatment systems. Additionally, a USCG certified ballast water treatment system means the design is ready for the incoming regulations, it said.
Sources:LNG World News

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