The Project of International Standard for Blockchain Marine Electronic B/L Approved COSCO SHIPPING 2022-03-30 10:04

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO/TC154) recently voted to establish a project for the “Blockchain Marine Electronic Bill of Lading Data Interaction Process”, with the project number of ISO NP 5909. Both Chinese and foreign experts from the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and ISO/TC 154 will jointly participate in developing the standard. COSCO SHIPPING Lines has also sent experts to participate in the project throughout the whole process.

The project aims to standardize the architecture, functional requirements, business processes, interfaces and data formats of the blockchain electronic B/L system, and provide a standard guideline and reference for the flow and verification of marine electronic B/L through the blockchain system, so as to promote the application of blockchain electronic B/L and provide a credible digital foundation for international trade.
As a member of the working group, COSCO SHIPPING Lines will share China’s practical experience in multi-scenario application with the international community, promote the implementation and global application of blockchain electronic B/L standards, and contribute its own experience and wisdom to enhancing the overall digitalization of the industry and facilitating cross-border trade. 


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