
Chinese Shipyard Delivers New Vessel Six Months Ahead of Schedule

China State Shipbuilding Corporation's Huangpu Wenchong Shipbuilding Company successfully delivered the final vessel in its 1600 TEU series for CA SHIPPING, the “CA SAIGON” (H2486), on September 23, 2024. The vessel was delivered an impressive 188 days ahead of the contractual schedule, earning high praise from the shipowner.

The “CA SAIGON,” a next-generation, eco-friendly feeder container ship, boasts low fuel consumption, high load capacity, reduced emissions, and low vibration noise—key advantages that position it as a highly competitive vessel for regional trade. The vessel is set to operate on the BTX route, further expanding the fleet's capacity and strengthening CA SHIPPING’s network between China’s Greater Bay Area and Southeast Asian ports.

CA SHIPPING, a joint venture between ASIA SHIPPING and China Ship Leasing, has enjoyed a longstanding partnership with Huangpu Wenchong. This latest order, delivered with consistent high quality and ahead of schedule, has deepened the relationship between the two companies.

The delivery of “CA SAIGON” also highlights the success of Huangpu Wenchong’s lean management and mass production methods, reflecting ongoing improvements in construction efficiency and quality. The shipyard achieved a 55% reduction in shipowner and inspector comments compared to the first ship in the series. This accomplishment reinforces Huangpu Wenchong's leadership in building eco-friendly, intelligent vessels and supports the global move towards green and sustainable shipping.

by Xinde Marine News Chen Yang

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