
5 VLCCs and 5 Aframax! China Merchants Energy Shipping Announces Order for 10 New Oil Tankers

On August 17, 2024, China Merchants Energy Shipping(CMES )officially announced a major step forward in its fleet expansion and sustainability efforts. Through its fully-owned subsidiary, Associated Maritime Co Ltd (AMCL), CMES signed contracts with Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd. for the construction of 10 next-generation energy-efficient oil tankers. This investment, totaling approximately RMB 6.638 billion, reflects CMES' continued commitment to environmental responsibility and global competitiveness.

The Order:
5 VLCCs (Very Large Crude Carriers) with a deadweight of 306,000 dwt each
5 Aframax tankers with a deadweight of 115,000 dwt each
These new tankers are equipped with cutting-edge environmental technologies, including shaft generators and scrubbers, ensuring compliance with the latest regulations on NOx, SOx, and CO2 emissions. Delivery is expected between 2027 and 2028.

This large-scale order is a key part of CMES' strategy to modernize its fleet, replace older vessels, and expand its Aframax tanker fleet. It also reinforces the company's position as a leader in sustainable shipping. By improving fleet efficiency and reducing emissions, CMES is not only enhancing its market competitiveness but also contributing to a greener future for global shipping.
This move underscores CMES' unwavering commitment to staying ahead in the evolving shipping industry and maintaining strong, sustainable growth on a global scale.

by Xinde Marine News Chen Yang

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