
Jiangnan Shipyard won 3 PCTCs order from Anji

The market for PCTCs continues to boom. After 2 ships at the beginning of the year, Anji COSCO SHIPPING returned to Jiangnan Shipyard, and ordered 3 LNG-powered PCTCs.
The 7600 CEU dual-fuel PCTCs of Anji COSCO SHIPPING is independently developed by SDARI. The key equipment system adopts WinGD X-DF main engine and iCER system, LNG containment and gas supply system, and ro-ro equipment system.
The project is a milestone in the construction history of large ro-ro ships in China. After completion and delivery, it will become China's largest, world-leading and most localized ocean-going PCTC.
Anji COSCO SHIPPING, a subsidiary of SAIC, is the world's largest auto parts and vehicle logistics company. Its distribution network covers more than 600 domestic cities and more than 100 overseas countries, with an annual shipment volume of tens of millions of vehicles.
Source: Xinde Marine News Sarah Yu

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