
World's first LNG dual-fuel VLCC "YUAN RUI YANG" successfully delivered

On February 28, the delivery ceremony of COSCO SHIPPING Energy's "YUAN RUI YANG" was held in Dalian Shipbuilding Industry, a subsidiary of CSSC.

The vessel is the world's first LNG dual-fuel VLCC built by DSIC for COSCO SHIPPING Energy Transportation. Its successful delivery indicates that COSCO SHIPPING Group is at the forefront of the world in green, environmental protection and energy-saving technologies for large-scale oil tankers, which also marks CSSC's breakthrough in the field of large-scale clean energy powered ship technology.

"YUAN RUI YANG" has a total length of 333 meters, a width of 60 meters and a depth of 30.5 meters. Using LNG as the main fuel, equipped with LNG dual-fuel main engine, generator, boiler, and classified into CCS. The ship meets the requirements of EEDI Phase III, reducing sulfur oxides by 99%, particulate matter emissions by 98%, and meeting the most stringent Tier III requirements of IMO.

In the background of global energy transition, DSIC and COSCO SHIPPING Energy will promote the application of LNG as the main fuel on VLCC, which will contribute to the energy conservation and emission reduction of large ships and the goal of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" for the shipping industry. It has played a positive demonstration and leading role, and is of milestone significance.

Source: Xinde Marine News Sarah Yu

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