
China's first large cruise ship realizes floating in the dock

On December 17, China's first large-scale cruise ship successfully achieved the milestone node of floating in the dock at Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding, a subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corporation.
This marks the transition of the ship surface into the "deep water zone" of interior installation and system commissioning, which is another crucial step towards achieving the overall goal of completion and delivery in September 2023.

China's first large-scale cruise ship has 136 systems, more than 20,000 sets of equipment, 25 million parts, 4,200 kilometers of cables, 350 kilometers of piping, and 450 kilometers of air ducts, involving more than 500 global suppliers.
Up to now, the overall construction progress of China's first cruise ship has reached 55%; The laying of insulation has exceeded 122,000 square meters, and the laying of cables has exceeded 1,800 kilometers, achieving 63% and 40% of the overall plan respectively.
Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding will achieve a "zero" breakthrough in the design and construction of China's large cruise ships, and contribute wisdom and strength to the high-quality development of China's shipbuilding industry.

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