
Shanhaiguan Shipbuilding Industry delivered a 120,000DWT bulk carrier

On December 1, the 120,000DWT bulk carrier "FORTE SÃO MARCELO" built by DSIC Shanhaiguan Shipbuilding Industry for Empresa Naviera Elcano, S.A was successfully delivered.
So far, DSIC Shanhaiguan Shipbuilding Industry has delivered a total of 9 ships in 2021, and successfully completed the annual delivery tasks, laying a good foundation for DSIC to achieve various production and operation tasks in the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan".
There are two series of 120,000DWT bulk carriers, and this is the first ship. The ship has a total length of 258.7 meters, a depth of 20.5 meters, a design draft of 13.72 meters, and a structural draft of 15.00 meters. The ship is classified into LR classification society.
During the trial voyage, the ship's performance indicators such as speed and fuel consumption met the requirements of the contract and technical specifications. The overall performance of the ship was praised and recognized by the shipowner, ensuring the smooth delivery of the high quality of the ship.

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