
Chengxi Shipyard fulfilled the 85K bulk Carrier newbuilding program for Foremost Group

The day of March 17 saw the second 85,000DWT bulk carrier delivered by Chengxi Shipyard for Foremost Group, one of the top international shipping companies.
As the newly-upgraded vessel type of 82K bulk carrier, the 85K bulk carrier has a better optimized design intended for grain dealers. In recent years, Chengxi Shipyard has been concentrated more on the environment protection and energy saving demands of the owners and promoted this eco-designed vessel type as one of its feature products.
Foremost Group placed an order with chengxi for building two 85K bulk carriers at the end of 2018. Thanks to the concerted efforts as well as close cooperation in good faith between both companies, the new building program has been accomplished despite the ongoing impact of COVID-19.
It is reported that Chengxi Shipyard has a total of fifteen 85K bulk carriers and thirty 82K bulk carriers in newbuilding orderbook.
Source:Jasent Zhou

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